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Climbing Lophospermum.
Linnean Class and Order. DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA.
Natural Order. SCROPHULARINEAE. Trib. 2 . A n t i r r h in e « . D.
Don in edinb. phil. journ. July, 1835,». 110.
l o p h o s p e r m u m . Suprà fol. 68.
L. scandens, foliis cordatis acuminatis argutè dentato-serratis, segmentis calycinis
ovatis acuminatis, corollae lobis acutiusculis, connectivo postiee protuberanti.
Lophospermum scandens. D Don in linn, trans. 16. p. 3.53.
A scandent perennial herb, clothed with soft, spreading,
articulated, viscid hairs. Stems cylindrical. Leaves alternate,
stalked, cordate, acuminate, serrated, with broad, mu cronulate
teeth, palminerved, and reticulately veined, from
2 to 3 inches long, and from an inch and a half to two inches
broad, dark green above, paler and less hairy beneath. P e tioles
cirrhose, nearly filiform, an inch and a half long, channelled
above. Peduncles axillary, solitary, single-flowered,
cylindrical, rather glossy, longer than the petioles. Calyx
deeply 5-partite ; segments ovate, acuminate, membranous,
leafy, 9-nerved, the edges folded back and slightly cohering
a t the base. Corolla funnel-shaped, two inches or more in
length, of a dull purple ; tube white on the under side, and
furnished within with two rows of yellow, clavate, papillose
hairs ; faux open, ventricose; limb 5-lobed, bilabiate ; upper
lip larger, spreading, the lower one shorter, 3-lobed, witli
the lobes connivent; lobes broadly ovate, rather acute. S ta mens
four, didynamous, shorter than the corolla, with the
faint rudiment of a fifth seated in the line of the sinus of the
upper lip, and between the shorter pair of stamens, which
are also the uppermost. Filaments nearly filiform, white,
slightly channelled on one side, and thickened and copiously
papillose at the base, and more sparingly so at the apex also.
Anthers white, bilocular; cells parallel, turgid, free at the
base, confluent at the apex, opening longitudinally ; connec-
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