yellow, of two parallel cells. Ooarium bilocular, globose,
h a iry ; placentae bearing 2 ovules. Style persistent, deeply
cloven, shorter than the stamens, hairy at the base, the
branches subulate, glabrous, erect. Stigma a minute dot.
Capsule shorter than the caly.v, ovate, slightly compressed,
2-celled, bipartite, the cells 2-seeded. Seeds dark-brown,
oblong, convex, dotted and rough exteriorly, flattened and
furrowed on the inside.
A very pretty and interesting hardy annual, native of
Texas, where it was gathered by the late Mr. Thomas
Drummond, and from seeds transmitted by him plants were
raised in the Glasgow Botanic Garden, and likewise in the
garden of our worthy friend Dr. Neill at Canonmills, near
Edinburgh, where onr drawing was taken by Miss Mitchell
in September last. From the branching habit of the plant it
is impossible to do justice to it in a single plate. It continues
in flower throughout the summer and autumn, and ripens
its seeds freely in the open border.
The generic name is derived fi’om <Fax6Xoy, a bunch ; and
alludes to the fasciculate flowers of many of the species.
D . Don.
1. Calyx and pistil.