31 à.
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VERBÉNA rugosa.
Wrinkled-leaved Vervain.
Linnean Class and Order. DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA.
Natural Order. VERBEN A C E ^ . Bronjn prodr. 1. p. 510.
V ER B EN A . Supràfol. 9.
V, ruqosa, perennis, erecta, pilosa ; folüs cordato-oblongis acutis serratis rugosis,
spicis densis abbreviatis, corolla pllosà calyce duplò longiore: laciniis cunea-
tis emarginatis.
Plant perennial, copiously clothed with bristly hairs, callous
at the base, which are either simple or glanduliierous. Stems
erect, simple, 4-sided, rigid, hollow, dark purple, about 2
feet hio-h. Leaves opposite, on very short lootstalks, cordate-
hmceofate, acute, serrated, with large pointed teeth, veiny
and wrinkled, grass green on botli sides, 2 Indies long, and
nearly one in breadth. Footstalks about 2 lines long, channelled
above, copiously hairy. Flowers sessile, in short,
dense spikes, disposed in a corymbose panicle. Brakes
lanceolate, cuspidate, green, hairy and iringed, shorter than
the calyx, the base concave and adpressed. Calyx tubular,
5-ribbed, 5-toothed, the teeth awl-shaped, erect, terminated
by a bristle, the innermost one very short, the rest nearly
equal. Corolla violet, about double the length of the calyx,
hairy, the tube but little dilated upwards, the limb divided
into 5, nearly equal, cuneate, deeply nctclied segments;
throat and tube copiously clothed within with bristly hairs,
which in the lower lialf of the tube are bent downwards.
Stamens 4, didynamous, inclosed. Filaments very short,
compressed, glabrous. Anthers yellow, composed of two
equal, parallel cells. Ovarium 4-lobcd, glabrous, glossy.
Style inclosed, glabrous, compressed and dilated towaids
the apex, having the sides prolonged into a tooth-likc