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FRITILLÀRIA ruthenica.
Russian Fritillary.
Linnean Class and Order. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. LILIACEÆ. Brown prodr. \.p . 295. in notâ.
F R IT IL L A R IA . Perianthium 6-phyllum, campanulatum, coloratum, deci-
duum : foliolis conniventibus, basi fovea oblongâ nectariferâ auctis. Stamina
6, subæqualia, erecta. Stylus elongatus. Stigma 3-fidum. Capsula
oblonga, obtusè 3-gona. Semina plana.
Plantæ ( e u r o p æ æ v . asiaticæ) bulhosoe, bulbo nudo è squamis 2 crassissimis
composito, axi folioso. Eolia subconvolula, linearia v. oblonga. Flores
solitarii V. plures racemosi, plerumque brunneo-purpurei, maculali.
D. Don MSS.
F. ruthenica, caule subunifloro ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis, imis superloribusque
subternatis, illls obtusis, bis, intermediisque sparsis, cirrhosis; floribus
tessellatis, cernuls.
Fritillaria ruthenica. Wiks. in act. holm, 1821. p. 6. i. 5. f . 2, S ch u lt.ß l,
syst. 7 .7?. 396,
F. verticillata. Marsch, à Bieb.fl. taur. cauc. 1. p. 268. cent. pl. rar. ross. 2.
i. 83.
Corona verticillata. Fisch. MSS.
Stem slender. Leaves linear-lanceolate, glaucous, channelled
above, 3-5 nerved below, upper ones erect, the others
spreading, lowest and uppermost subternate, those which intervene
scattered at distances gradually increasing upwards,
all terminated by cirri, excepting those composing the lowest
verticil which are more or less blunt. Flowers cernuous, in
the specimen described two, the one terminal, springing from
the centre of three leaves, the other a little below the apex,
and subtended by two leaves in contact on one side of the
stem. Peduncles (half an inch long) resembling the stem.
Perianth campanulate, tessellated, dark purple on the outside,
somewhat paler within, segments terminated with a small
tuft of minute hairs, and having along the centre of the in side
of each a linear green mark, which leads to a subrotund
nectary near the base, corresponding to a large gibbosity
without, inner segments obovate, outer elliptical and narIj
. I 'fy.37ây.