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CLIÂNTHUS puniceus.
Crimson Clianthus.
Linnean Class and Order. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA.
Natural Order. LEGUMINOSÆ. Subordo I. P a p i l io n a c e æ . Decand.
prodr. 2. p. 94.
C L IA N TH U S . CaZi/z campanulatus, 5-dentatus. Corolla; vexillum a.cn-
minatum, reflexum : alæ abbreviatæ, incumbentes : can»d vexillo longiore,
è petalis 2 semicordatis connatis conflatâ, cucullatâ, ventricosâ, apice acuminata,
recurvatâ. Stamina diadelpba, perigyna, inæqualia. Stylus
filiformis, longitudinalitèr barbatus. Legumen oblongum, acuminatum,
stipitatum, ventricosum, corlaceum, polyspermum, intùs lanuginosum.
Semina reniformia, funiculis longiusculis stipata.
Plantæ (australasicæ) perennes, procumbentes. Folia impari-pinnata. Stipulæ
2, adnatoe, foliaceæ, persistentes. Flores axillares, racemosi, v. subumbellati,
pendali, speciosissimi, coccinei.
C. puniceus, suffruticosus, adpress^ pubescens ; foliolis oblongis retusis, floribus
racemosis, calycibus 5-dentatis, leguminibus glabris.
Cliantbus puniceus. Soland. mss. in mus. Banks. Cunn. in hort. trans. v. 1.
n. s. p. 521. t. 22. Lindl. in bot. reg. t. 1775. Hook, in bot. mag. t.
Donia punlcea. G. Don. gen. syst. gard. 8f bot. 2. p. 468.
Plant suffruticose, procumbent, branched, about 3 or 4
feet long. Branches cylindrical, glabrous, glossy, green, the
younger ones slightly angular, and sparingly clothed with
short, adpressed, silky hairs. Leaves impari-pinnate, 3 or 4
inches long, composed of 8 or 10 pair of leaflets, which are
alternate or opposite, oblong, or oblong-elliptical, retuse,
even, green and glabrous above, paler and furnished beneath
wdth a prominent midrib, and sparingly clothed with short,
adpressed, silky pubescence, varying from 6 to 10 lines in
length, and from 2 to 3 in breadth. Petioles and rhachis
nearly filiform, but thickened at the base, and furnished
above with a narrow furrow. Stipules ovate-oblong, obtuse,
somewhat lunate, with the margins recurved, finally deciduous.
Racemes simple, axillary, pendulous, composed of 5
or 6 flowers. Peduncle slightly angular, and more copiously
clothed with adpressed pubescence. Bractes persistent,
ovate-lanceolate, rather acute, pubescent, those near the
middle of the axis only furnished with flowers. Pedicels
solitary, an inch long, slightly angular, furnished a t the
middle with two lanceolate, nearly opposite bracteolae.
Calyx green, widely campanulate, scarcely bilabiate, with
five nearly equal, awl-shaped, curved teeth, about as long as
the tu b e ; two upper ones recurved; three lower ones incurved.
Chro/Za large, two inches long, of a rich carmine;
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