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ALLIUM siculum.
Sicilian Oar lick.
Linnean Class and Order. HEXANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. ASPHODELEÆ. Brown prodr. ]. p. 274.
A L L IUM . Perianthium 6-phyllum, coloratum, persistens. Stamina 6,
æqualia, erecta. Filamenta glabra, libera. Antheroe incumbentes. Stigma
simplex, indivisum. Capsula 3-locularls, loculido-dehiscens : loculis sub-
dispermis. Semina angulata, testa tenulori.
Plantæ (hemlsph. boreal.) bulbosæ, odore peculiari foetidæ, bulbo tunicato,
Caulibus indivisis, inflorescentià umbellatà spathaced. ’
* Perianthio connivente, filamentis simplieibus subulatis, capsulæ loculis
polyspermis! Triphium.
A. siculum foliis patentibus triquetris glabris, scapo tereti, umbellà multiflorà
pedicelhs apice turbinato-dilatatis, sepalis ovatis mucronulatis conniventibus’
hlamentis subulatis perianthio ter brevioribus, ovari! loculis polyspermis
Album siculum Ucr. pl. n. 7. Spreng. syst, 2. p. 36. 'Pii pua. p. 9
G y s.p ro d r .fi sicul. I. p. 398. f l. sicul. t. 167. G. Don, monogr. p.
83. S c h u lt.ß l. syst. l . p , ^
A. floribus e luteo-purpurascentibus. Tournef. inst. p. Z8Z Bonan t 27
Moly^flore^subviridi. Bocc. sic.p. 63. t. 3 3 ./. 1. (bona.) Cupan. panph. 2.
Moly minus prealtum, flore campanulato repando e viridi purpureo, odore viroso
Cupan. hort. cath. p, 147.
Scape 3_feet 9 inches high, erect, cylindrical, stout, thicker
than a writing quilI, and covered with a glaucous bloom.
Leaves a foot or more m length, broadly linear, acute, triquetrous,
recurved and spreading, an inch broad, chan-
neiled above sharply keeled and edged, grass green. Umbel
many (27)-flowered. Spathes diphyllous, linear-lanceolate,
acuminate, scariously membranous, many-nerved, shorter
than the pedicels. Pedicels unequal, filiform, stout, thickened,
and expanded into a turbinate disk at the top ; the outer
ones longer, being about 3 inches long, central ones U
inch, at first decurved, becoming straight after flowering.