NIEREMBERGIA phoemcea; var. rosea.
Pink-flowered Niereinhergia.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. SOLANEÆ. Brown prodr. \ . p . 443.
N IE R EM B E R G IA . Suprà fol. 172.
** Corollæ fauce dilatatd sæpiàs ventricosâ, staminibus inoequalibus tubo
medio insertis submclusis, stigmate capitato. Petunia.
N. phoenicea, foliis ovatis, laciniis calycinis lineari-spathulatis, corollæ fauce
campanulata tubo triplo longiori, caule ramoso diffuso.
Nierembergia phoenicea. Suprà fo l. 193.
Petunia phoenicea. Lindl. in bot. reg. t. 1626.
Salpiglossis integrifolia. Hook, in bot. mag. t. 3113.
y. rosea, floribus roseis, corollæ tubo calyce duplò longiori intùs venis violaceis
eleganter pictis.
Stem diffuse, much branched, cylindrical, green, clothed
with long, soft, jointed, glandular hairs. Leaves alternate,
or occasionally opposite, ovate, rather acute, slightly attenuated
at the base, pale green, an inch and a half long,
marked by several nerves, and clothed on both sides with soft,
jointed, glandular hairs; lower ones stalked. Flowers solitary.
Peduncles axillary, filiform, an inch or two in length, copiously
clothed, as well as the calyx, with jointed glandular
hairs ; fruit-bearing ones longer and deflexed. Calyx turbinate,
with 10 blunt angles, the segments leafy, ligulatd,
blunt, unequal, thrice longer than the tube. Corolla funnel-
shaped, pink, with the tube an inch and a half long, and
elegantly marked within with purple veins, ventricose above,
clothed outwardly with soft, jointed hairs; limb concave,
spreading, plaited, with 5 shallow, round, blunt lobes.
Stamens 5, erect, 2 of them longer. Filaments slender, glabrous,
white, attached to the lower part of the tube. Anthers