I \
BAERIA chrysostoma.
Golden-Anther ed Baeria.
Natural Order. COMPOSITÆ. Trib. IV. SENECIONIDEÆ. Subtrib.
V. H e l e n i e æ . Dlv. 3. Madieæ. Decand. prodr. 5. p. 69\.
B A E R IA , Capitulum beterogamum, radiatum. Involucrum biseriale, subæ-
quale. Flosculi radii ligulari, foemlnei, uniseriales, 2-3-dentati disci
infundibuliformes, 5-dentati, bermapbroditi. S tyli rami appendicula semi-
ovatâ, apiculatá, papillosa coronati. Achenia uniformia, obfusiformia,
levitèr compressa, apice calva, areolà terminali. Pappus nullus. Rhachis
elongato-conica, tota ebracteolata, nuda.
Herba (californica) annua, diffusa. Eolia apposita, sessilia, lìnearia, integerrima.
Capitula solitarii, pedunculati. Corollæ aureæ.
B. cbrysostoma.
Baeria cbrysostoma.
p. 29.
Fisch. et Mey. ind. sem. hort. imper, petrop. 1835,
J T timrJU: SAi. Ij fÀ«« liÿ Ay-
The whole plant clothed with adpressed hairs. Root fibrous,
annual. Stems, filiform, decumbent, branched, of a livid
purple, varying from a span to a foot high. Leaves opposite,
sessile, linear, obtuse, entire, ciliated, recurved and spreading,
channelled above, green and hairy, from an inch and a half
to three inches long, and from 2 to 3 lines broad, rather
fleshy, the base connate into a short sheath. Capitula radiate,
solitary, axillary, and terminal. Peduncles filiform, naked,
hairy,’2 or 3 inches long. Involucrum hemisphærical, biserial
; leaflets ovate-oblong, rather acute, hairy, green, nearly
equal, those of the inner series shorter and narrower. Rhachis
elevated, pyramidal, ebracteolate, tuberculate. Rays
from 10 to 13, female, spreading, elliptical-oblong, notched
or 3-toothed, rarely entire, bright yellow, 7-nerved ; tube
slender, slightly compressed, glandular, swollen and rather
sphærical at the base. Florets of the disk hermaphrodite,
funnel-shaped ; tube filiform, glandular, pale yellowish green,
swollen at the base ; limb campanulate, 5-toothed, the teeth
ovate, acute, spreading. Filaments slender, glabrous, disrf?
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