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SffHL i'eh ISS7
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TROPÀÌOLUM brachyceras.
Short-spurred Indian Cress.
Linnean Class and Order. OCTANDRIA MONOGYNIA
Natural Order. TROPiEOLEJi. Juss. m mem. mus. 3. p. 447.
TROPMOLUM. Suprà fol. 134.
£»0/.. f. >4.
in bot. reg. t. 1926. , , , , t n i l
T. tenellum. G. Don gen. syst. gard. ^ bot. \.p . 141.
The whole herb pale-green, and glabrous. Root tubero^us.
/»imsscandeut, slender, filiform, varymg from a span to a
foot or more in length. Leaves alternate, distant, stalked,
peltately 6-parted; segments equal, obovate,
L o u t 2 linls long. Footstalks capillary, scaicely hal an
inch in length. Flowers axillary, solitary, peduncula e
Peduncles filiform, double the length of f t “
campanulate, 5-lobed; lobes about equal, J
scarcely mucronulate, 5-nerved, veiny,
conical, about half as long as the calyx. Pe ta k 5, yellow,
cloven at the top ; 3 lower ones broader, with slendei claws,
anterior one nearly orbicular; 2 others obovate ; upper jmir
Narrower, cuneifoim, marked above with dark-purple veins.
Stamens 8, about as long as the ca lyx; alternate oues^hoi^^^^^^
than the rest. Filaments slender, glabrous, white. Anthers
round, bilocular, yellow. Ovarium 3-angled, 3-celled.
Ovula solitary. Style about twice the length of the ovarium,
triangular, rather clavate. .
This very distinct and delicate species of Tropwolum is a
native of the vicinity of Valparaiso in Chile where it has
b i n gathered by Cuming, Bridges, and others. In habit