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CAMPANULA barbata; y«r. cyaiiea.
Dark blue Bearded Bell-flower.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. CAMPANULACEriE. Alph. Decand. monogr. p. 97.
O. Don gen. syst. gard. bot. 3. p. 731.
CAMPANULA. Supràfol. 80.
C. barbata, pilosa; foliis radicalibus rosulatis spathulato-oblongis obtusi,s subin-
tegernmis; caule erecto simplici subunifolio 1-plurifloro, capsulis ,5-locularibus
obtectis, corolla fauce barbata.
Campanula barbata. Linn. sp. pl. p. 236. Jacq. obs. 2. p. \ i . t 37. (horta )
Roth. germ. 'l.p . 258. Willd. sp. p l. 1. p. 908. Krock. siles. t. 38.
Lam. diet. 1. p. 586. Sims in bot. mag. t. 1258. {mala.) Decand. fl
franc, n. 2852. Wahlenb. helv. p. 4\. Duby et Decand. hot. gall. 1.
p. 313. Lodd. bot. cab. t. 788. Rosm. et Schult. syst. 5. p. 138. Sprmn.
syst.^ 1. p. 733. Alph. Decand. I. c. p. 247. G. Don. I. c. 3. p. 754.
C. caule simplici, foliis ligulatis asperis, petiolis unifloris, floribus hirsutis. Hall,
helv. n. 694.
C. foliis echii, floribus villosis. Bauh. pin. p. 94. prodr. p. 36. t. 36.
C. alpina asperior, foliis echii, flore magno villoso. P lu k .p h y t. t. \5 3 .f . 6.
Rapunculus montanus. Bauh. hist. 2. p. 808. (Jig. bond.)
R. montanus, foliis anchusas. Moris, hist. 2. sect. 5. t. 3 . / . 35.
b. cyanea, floribus racemosis cyaneis.
The whole plant thickly clothed with short rough spreading
hairs, but not hoary. Root perennial. Stem erect,
simple, filiform, slender, about a span high, and furnished
with one or two leaves. Leaves green, rough, and entire at
their m a rg in s; radical ones numerous, spreading, oblong-
spathulate, obtuse, even, two or four inches long; cauline
ones sessile, lanceolate, erect, much smaller. Flowers about
six, drooping, disposed in a unilateral raceme. Bractes ligulate,
obtuse, double the length of the slender peduncles.
Calyx h a iry ; segments lanceolate, acute, erect, the sinuses
produced into a blunt leafy appendage, about half as long as
the segments. Corolla tubular-campanulate,'of a deep blue,
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