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MANDRÀGORA autumnalis.
Autumn-flowering Mandrake.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. SOLANEÆ. Brown prodr. \. p. 443.
MANDRAG ORA. Cali/x turbinatus, 5-fidus. Corolla campanulata, 5-fida.
Stamina basi corollæ inserta, inclusa : /tem e» ía incurva, subulata, basi
lanata et conniventia : antheris cordatæ, biloculares, longitudinaliter dehiscentes.
Ovarium basi disco carnoso bldentato cmctum. Stigma capitatum,
sulco exaratum. Bacca globosa, bilocularis. Semina reniformia.
Herbæ (europææ) macrorhizæ, acaules, scapis unifloris.
M. autumnalis, foliis oblongis pilosis, calycibus densé papilloso-pilosis : segmentis
lanceolatis acuminatis, corollæ laciniis elbpticis obtusis, bacca
oblonga mucronuktâ.
Mandragora autumnalis. Bertol. Spreng. syst. I . p. 699.
Atropa Mandragora. Sibth. et Smith, fl. groec. 3, p. 26. t. 232.
Mavêpayopoiç. Diosc. lib, 4. cap. 26.
Root long, thick, and fusiform, frequently forked, of an
ash colour. Scapes many, single-flowered, an inch or two
inches high, pale purple, thickened and angular towards the
top, sparingly clothed with spreading hairs Leaves nearly
sessile, oblong, obtuse, dark-green, wrinkled, and furnished
above with numerous callous, warty bristles, paler and
strongly ribbed below, and furnished with a few scattered
h a iift rather fleshy, wavy at the margins, 8 inches in length,
and 2 or 4 in breadth. Calyx 5-cleft, copiously clothed
with papillose hairs, the segments lanceolate, acuminate,
canaliralate, recurved and spreading, furnished with an elevated,
thick, rounded midrib. Corolla campanulate, twice
the length of the calyx, violet, d e e p l y 5-cleft the segments
broadly elliptical, obtuse, with deeper coloured veins. S ta mens
5, not more than half the length of the corolla. Filaments
white, awl-shaped, incurved, thickened and connivent
a t their insertion, and furnished with a thick tuft of white,
jointed, woolly hairs, which entirely fill up the faux. Anthers
cordate-oblong, pale purple, composed of two parallel cells