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■■■:, !; 1’ SSTMPHYTUM officinale; car. bohemicum.
Bohemian Comfrey.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
ir:ed i7 .pM l'Io u rn . Octöber, 1832.
S YM PH Y TUM . Supra fol. 294.
l l t n l ' n . 211. Smith fl. hrit. l.p . 218. engl. bcLL ^ g '
Curtis f l . lond. t. 18. Brev. et Hayne e u r . t. 36. Plenck off. t. 7b.
y . boh^ r!döuLft\oliA o^ ^ ^ ^ ^ P™ '“ '" ’
stigmate exserto. . , , , o i o
Symphytum bohemicum. Schmidt bohem. n. / 1 -
Stem about a foot high, angular, rough. Leaves s alked
lanceolate, acute, 3 or 5 inches long, veiny and wrinkled
rough on both sides with bristly points *^tlenuated a the
hast, but slightly decurrent. Footstalks winged, half an
inch long. Flowers copious, racemose. Pedicels scabrous
cylindrical. Calyx longer than the pedicels deeply parted
with linear-lanceolate, pointed, erect, keeled, bristly segments.
Corolla tubular, about twice as long as the calyx,
bright crimson, the month contracted with short, ovate
blunt teeth. Appendages lanceolate,
a t the margins with yellow, diamond-like, glandular bodies
Stamens shorter than the appendages. F ’ztaewfe veiy short,
stout, white, compressed. Anthers yellow, incjiinben ,
composed of two parallel cells, crowned by a short, blunt
membranous appendage. Ovaria 4, glossy, green. Style
filiform, glabrous, attenuated towards the top. Stigma
small, capitate, exserted, minutely papillose.