LASIOPUS sonchoides.
Sonchus-like Lasiopus.
Natural Order. COMPOSITriE. Adans.fam.2.p. 103.Pam. 1.Cichorace«.
Subtrib. 7. Hieracieee. seei. 2. Acheniis rostratis. Less. comp.p. \49.
LA S IOPUS . Achenium plano-compressum, margine tuherculato-scabrum,
apice breviter rostratum : disco dilatato, orbiculato. Pappus pluriserialis.
Involucrum multiplici serie imbricatum. Rhachis tota ebracteolata.
Herba (armena) perennis, fo liis ruiicinatis, caulibus simplieibus aphyllis
monocephalis, capitulis ovalibus, corollis sulphureis, pappo albo.
D. Don Mss.
L. sonchoides.
Root perennial. Leaves stalked, spathulate, runcinate,
five or six inches long, and from an inch and a half to two
inches broad, attenuated towards the b a se ; lobes short,
triangular, mucronate, with sharp, callous, and somewhat
spinous teeth ; the terminal lobe broad, rounded, and
copiously toothed. Scapes simple, hollow, cylindrical,
striated, longer than the leaves, and thickly clothed with
white woolly hairs. Involucrum ovate, polyphyllous, imbricate;
scales disposed in many series, ovate-oblong, acute,
white and downy, the outer ones leafy, recurved and spreading,
the innermost series erect, lanceolate, acuminate, with
scariosely membranous margins. Florets hermaphrodite,
ligulate, lemon-coloured; tube filiform, slender, perfectly
glabrous ; ligula linear, 5-toothed. Anthers connected into
a tube. Style filiform, the branches recurved and minutely
papillose. Achenia compressed, the margins scabrous with
minute tubercles, attenuated at the apex into a short, linear,
compressed b e a k ; disk dilated, orbicular, flat. Pappus
composed of many series of unequal, scabrous, fragile, white
Introduced by Mr. Anderson, from seeds received from