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TWEEDIA coerulea.
Blue-flowered Tweedia.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA DIGYNIA.
Natural Order. ASCLEPIADEÆ. Br. in wern. mem. \.p . 19.
TW E ED IA . CoroZZct rotata, 5-partita: corona simplex, 5-phylla : _/bZto&
llgulatis, integris, apice revolutis, basi auriculatis. Gynostemium 5-
angulare, pyramidatum. Antheroe inembranâ terminata;. Massoe pollinis
ex apice loculi pendulæ, clavatæ, pedicello utroque unidentato : gianduia
lineari, obtusâ, erectâ, bine canaliculatâ. Stigmata acuta. Folliculi
læves. Semina comosa.
Herba (bonariensis) tomentosa, caule volubili. Folia apposita, cordato-ob-
longa. Inflorescentià umbellata, interpetiolaris.
Obs. Genus Sarcostemmati proximè affine, sed facilè distinguitur coronæ polli-
nisque structurâ. D. Don. mss.
T. coerulea.
The whole plant densely clothed with downy white hairs.
Root perennial. Stems twining, herbaceous, filiform, nearly
simple, varying from a foot to three feet high. Leaves opposite,
stalked, cordate-lanceolate, mucronulate, entire, even,
about an inch and a half long, and half an inch broad ; posterior
lobes rounded, connivent, frequently overlapping each
other. Inflorescence interpetiolary, composed of three or five-
flowered umbels. Pedicels filiform, about three lines long,
densely hairy. Petioles short, semicylindrical, woolly. Calyx
5-partite ; segments lanceolate, acuminate, interiorly glabrous.
Corolla rotate, 5-partite, blue, the base furnished with
5 nectariferous cavities; segments elliptical-oblong, obtuse,
densely hairy beneath, nearly glabrous above : corona
simple, 5-phyllous ; segments ligulate, obtuse, fleshy, about
half the length of the corolla, revolute at the ape.x. Stamens
5, monadelphous. Filaments membranous, white. Anthers
yellow, crowned by a broad, oval, retuse, membranous appendage.
Pollen-masses clavate, compressed, amber-coloured,
pendulous; each of the pedicels furnished with a sharp recurved
tooth. Gland linear, obtuse, erect, channelled exte:
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