thriving best in a light sandy soil, and is increased by seeds,
which it however perfects but sparingly, and th a t only in
dry and warm summers. To hasten their growth, and
thereby insure the m aturing of seeds, the young plants should
be raised in a frame, and planted out in a sunny border
about the middle of May.
The flowers are very fragrant, especially in the evening ;
their odour resembling that of the Mathiola tristis.
The curious characters of the divided petals and cotyledons,
separate the genus from the rest of the Cruciferai, of whom
it constitutes a singularly interesting group.
The specimen whence our drawing was taken was obligingly
communicated in June last, by Miss Bright of Ham
Green, near Bristol. _ _
The generic name alludes to the divided petals, and is
compounded oi to cut, and TreraXov, a petal.
D . Don.
Petal. 2. Stamens. 3. Pistil.