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THUNBERGIA alata; var. alba.
White-flowered Winged-petioled Thunbergia.
Natural Order. ACANTHACEÆ. Brown prodr. \. p. 472.
THUNBERGIA. Calyx bibracteatus cyatbiformis, integer v. 12-dentatus.
Corolla infundibuliformis, fauce ventricosa ; limbo 5-fido, patente, sub-
æquali. Stamina 4, didynama, absque quinti rudimento. Antheroe hiìo-
culares : loculis parallelis, basi plerumque calcaratis. Stigma cucullatum,
bilabiatum. Capsula basi globosa bilocularis, rostrata : loculis 2-spermis.
Hissepimentum nunc integrum a valvulis utrinque, nunc in centro solubile.
Semina non retinaculis subtensa.
Herbæ v. Suffrutices (Ind. et Afrlcæ orient.) caule volubili ! foliis oppositis
petiolatis, floribus axillaribus solitariis v. subracemosis terminalibus.
T. alata, birsuta ; foliis cordato-sagittatis repando-dentatis, petiolis alatis,
bracteis ovatis multinerviis carinatis, calyce 12-dentato, corollæ tubo curvato
vix bracteis longiore, capsulæ rostro tetragono.
Tbunbergia alata. Boj. mss. Sims in bot. mag. t. 2591. Lodd. bot. cab. t.
1045. Nees ab Esenb. in Wall. pl. asiat. 3. p. 78.
/3. alba, corollæ limbo niveo.
Tbunbergia alata /3 alba. Hook, in bot. mag. i. 3512.
/»ZeiKs herbaceous, twining, quadrangular,copiously clothed,
like the rest of the plant, with short, soft, spreading hairs.
Leaves cordate-sagittate, 5-nerved, membranous, downy beneath,
two or three inches long, the margin repandly toothed,
or more rarely entire. Petioles an inch or two inches long,
linear, winged, with a leafy slightly wavy border. Peduncles
axillary, solitary, one-flowered, nearly filiform, scarcely
longer than the petioles. Bractes two, ovate, mucronulate,
9-nerved, entire, winged at the base behind. Calyx very
short, cup-shaped, green, with twelve subulate, erect, unequal
teeth. Corolla funnel-shaped ; tube curved, dilated
upward, and together with the faux of a dark purple, approaching
to black, and clothed within with papillose pubesè
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