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P u h . by J flC A ffiw t^ . là- Jbyixifov lS i6
Golden Bartonia.
Linnean Class and Order. POLYANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. LOASEriE. Juss. in ann. mus. 5. n 18
B A R TO N IA . Suprà fol. 182.
** Retala 5. Stamina indefinite numerosa,filamentis simplieibus. Capsulce
placentis 3.
B. aurea, scabra ; foliis cordato-lauceolatis acumiuatis bracteisque siuuato-piuua-
tifidis, petabs 5 obovatis mucrouatis, filamentis uniformibus simplieibus
Bartoma aurea. Lindi, in Bot. Reg. t. \%3\.
The whole plant scabrous, and clothed with short hoary
pubescence intermixed with callous bristly hairs. R o L
hbrous, annual. Stem erect, branched, cylindrical, rigid,
pale green, about a foot high. Leaves nearly sessile, cordate
lanceolate, acuminate, from 2 to 4 inches long, sinu-
ately pinntoifid, with lanceolate lobes. Flowers terminal,
solitary Calyx tubular, with a 5-parted limb ; segments
lanceolate, acuminate, 3-nerved, pale green. Petals 5,
nearly double the length of the calyx, broadly obovate,
abruptly mucronate, many-nerved, golden yellow, glossy,
the claw thickened and marked above with a large orange
spot. Stamens shorter than the petals, indefinite, seated on
the mouth of the calyx. Filaments slender, compressed,
glabrous, yellow ; the outer series longer and broader.
Anthers oblong, white, attached by their base; cells parallel,
opening lengthways, and spirally twisted. Ovarium adherent,
unilocular, with 3 parietal placentae. Ovula horizontal,
obovate, disposed in two rows. Style filiform, glabrous.
Stigmas 3, narrow,_ linear, obtuse, compressed, pruinose.
1 his showy species of Bartonia was gathered in California
by onr lamented friend, Mr. Douglas, to whose resarches our
gardens are indebted for many of their most splendid orna-
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