KÉRRIA japónica.
Japanese Kerria.
Linnean Class and Order. ICOSANDRIA PENTAGYNIA.
Natural Order. SPIRiEACEiE.
K E R R IA . C aly x 5-fidus, Eestivatione irabricatus. Pétala 5. Stamina 25,^
calyci inserta. Pistilla 5. Ovaria ventricosa: ovulis solitariis. Styli
filiformes, glabri. Stigmata Simplicia, obliqua. Caryjella monosperma.
Frutex (japonicus) erectus, ramosissimus. Rami virides. Folia alterna, petiolata,
stipulata, ovata, acuminata, duplicato-serrata, plicata. Stipula;
-membranacea, badia, caduca. Flores terminales, solitarii, pedunculati,
K. japónica. Decand. in linn. trans. 12. p. 157. prodr. 2. p. 541.
gen. syst. gard. §• bot. 2. p. 517.
Rubus japonicus. Linn. mant. alt. p. 245.
Corchorus japonicus. Thunb. jì. ja p . p. 227.
Spira;a japónica. Camb. in ann. se. nat. l .p . 389.
Teito, vulgo Jamma Buki. Kcempf. animn. p. 844.
/3. flore pieno. Andr. rep. t. 587. Sims in bot. mag. t. 1296.
G. Don
An erect, much branched, deciduous shrub, rising to the
height of 3 or 4 feet. Branches covered with a bright green
bark, the younger ones angular, and furnished with a few
scattered hairs. Leaves alternate, stalked, ovate-lanceolate,
acuminate, sharply and doubly serrated, membranous, penni-
nerved, plaited, bright green, shining and almost glabrous
above, paler and slightly hairy beneath, rounded at the base,
varying from an inch to an inch and a half long, and from
half an inch to an inch in width. Stipules linear-lanceolate,
acute, of a bay colour, about as long as the petioles, and soon
withering and falling off. Petioles 3 or 4 lines long, semi-cylindrical,
equal, channelled above, and sparingly hairy.
Flowers terminal, solitary, yellow. Peduncles scarcely^ half
an inch long, cylindrical, glabrous, furnished at the middle
with a solitary, caducous hracte, entirely resembling the
stipules. Calyx 5-cleft, glabrous, shining, green; segments
ovate, acute, even, spreading, furnished at the margin with
numerous minute glandular teeth, 2 inner ones narrower;