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PHLOMIS armeniaca.
Armenian Jerusalem Sage.
Linnean Class and Order. DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA,
Natural Order. LABIATiE. Brown prodr. 1. ». 499.
PHLOMIS. Suprà fol. 74.
P. armeniaca, herbácea, flocculoso-lanata ; foliis radicalibus longè petiolatis
cordato-oblongis obtusis crenatis ; caulinis lanceolatis basi attenuatis, verti-
cillastris 6-floris, dentibus caljoeinis bracteisque subulatis mucronatis rectis.
Phlomis armeniaca. Willd. sp. pl. 3. p. 119. Benth. lab. p. 625.
P. orientalis, angusto et longiore folio, flore luteo. Tournef. cor. p. 10.
A perennial herb, thickly clothed with tufted down, composed
of soft, feathery, white hairs. Stems ascending, re clining
at the base, square, solid, slender, from a span to a
foot high. Leaves, the radical ones, on long almost filiform
footstalks, cordate-oblong, obtuse, crenated, wrinkled,
veiny beneath, 3 inches long, an inch and a half broad,
the posterior lobes rounded and spreading; those of the stem
lanceolate, attenuated at the base, less copiously downy,
about two inches long, with channelled footstalks, about half
their length. Verticils about 6-flowered. Flowers sessile.
Bractes subulate. Calyx more than half an inch long, tubular,
5-angular, with 5 straight, subulate, spinulously mucronulate
teeth, of which the posterior one is the shortest. Corolla
yellow, twice the length of the calyx, copiously clothed
with starry pubescence ; upper lip cucullate, the apex blunt
and slightly 3-lobed ; lower lip longer, spreading, keeled
below, distinctly 3 lobed ; the lobes emarginate, with their
edges slightly repand and waved, the two lateral lobes very
short. Stamens 4, didynamous, inclosed within the upper lip ;
the two upper ones shorter. Filaments curved, channelled,
hairy below. Anthers unilocular, with a thick connectivum.