RHODODÉNDRON arboreum; var.
Pink-flowered Tree Rosebay.
Linnean Class and Order. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. E R IC A C E ^ . Trib. 2. Rhodore«. D. Don in edinb.
phil. journ. Ju ly , 1834. p. 152.
RHOD ODENDRON. Suprà fol. 10.
Sect. 2. Calycis limbo 5-lobo, corolld campanulatd, staminibus 10, capsulis
8-lO-locularibus, fo liis coriaceis sempervirentibus Booram.
R. arboreum, ilecandrum ; foliis lanceolatis acutis basi subattenuatis subtùs
argenteis, pedunculis calycibusque lanuginosis, corollæ ^segmentis bilobis
margine crenulato-crispatis, capsulâ 10-loculari tomentosa.
Rhododendron arboreum. Sm. exot. bot. t. 6. Hook. exot. Jl. t. 168. D. Don
prodr.Jl. rep. p. 154. Lindl. in bot. reg. t. 896. Sweet suprà s. 1. u. 3.
t. 250. O. Don gen. syst. gard. ^ bot. 3. p. 844.
¡Ì. roseum, foliis subtùs ferrugineis, floribus roseis.
Rhododendron arboreum, /3. roseum. D. Don I. c. p. 154. Lindl. in bot. reg.
t. 1240.
The plant whence our drawing was taken was not more than
two feet high, but in its native state, Dr. Wallich informs us,
it equals in height the arboreum itself. Leaves lanceolate,
acute, slightly narrowed at the base, the margin recurved,
dark-green above, of a pale brown beneath ; 3 or 4 inches
long, ahout an inch broad. Flowers numerous, in a compact,
globular cluster. Peduncles woolly. Calyx 5-lobed, the lobes
rounded. Corolla large, campanulate, of a rich pink, marked
within on the upper side with numerous deeper coloured
spots; lobes rounded, notched, wavy and crenulate at the
margin. Stamens 10, rather shorter than the corolla. Filaments
white, bearded at the base. Anthers dull-purple,
opening by two terminal pores. Style filiform, pale red,
thickened towards the apex. Stigma capitate, depressed,
cremdatc. Ovarium downy, 10-celled.