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CLAYTONIA gypsophiloides.
Gypsophila-like Claytonia.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. PORTULACEiE. Juss. gen. p. 312.
C LA Y TO N IA . Suprà fol. 163.
C. gypsophiloides, annua, glauca; foliis radicalibus longissimis filfformibus,
caulinis geminis (smpissime) uno latere connatis; racemis simplieibus ebracteatis
; petalis sublinearibus emarginatis calyce triplo longioribus. Iiscti.
et Mey. ind. sem. hort. imper. petrop. 1835, p. 33.
Plant CcEspitose, glabrous, grass green. Root small,
fibrous, annual. Stems numerous, filiform, slender, almost
naked, varying from 3 to 7 inches in height. Radical leaves
slender, filiform, acute, 2 or 3 inches long, fleshy, erect,
slightly compressed; cauline ones two combined together, on
one side, broad, cucullate, and almost tubular at tlm base,
the apices free, ovate, acute, unequal, spreading. Racemes
terminal, many-flowered. PetZfceZs scattered, slender, capillary,
glabrous, incurved, from half an inch to an inch long.
Bractes none. Sepals 2, broad, rounded-oval, coimave, blurtt,
slightly emarginate, imbricately connivent. Petals pink,
with a deeper coloured line in the middle, double the length
of the sepals, oblong-cuneate, deeply notched; claw narrow,
linear, but half the length of the lamina. Stamens 5, shorter
than the petals. Filaments awl-shaped, pink. Anthers in cumbent,
carmine, composed of two parallel cells opening
lengthways. Ovarium globose. Style filiform, longer than
the ovarium. Stigmas 3, linear, obtuse, minutely papillose.
Capsule globose, unilocular, 3-valved, 2 or 3-seeded. Seeds
oval, compressed, black, shining, minutely granulated.
We are also indebted to Miss Anna M a r i a Benett tor
flowering specimens of this very delicate and curious ^ec ie s
of Claytonia, a native of the same locality, and raised by her
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