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MIMULUS luteus; var. Wilsoni.
Miss Wilsoris Monkey-flower.
Linnean Class and Order. DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA.
Natural Order. SCR0PHULARINE7E. Trib. III. G r a t io l e j e . D.
Don in edinb. phil. journ. July, 1835, ». I I I .
MIMULUS. Suprd, fol. 210.
M. luteus, glaber; calyce limbo obliquo: laciniis obtusis, corolla subpersonata
: lobis transversis integris, antheris glabris, foliis subrotundis, caule
Mimulus luteus. Linn. sp. pl. p. 884. Willd. sp. p l. 3. p. '361. Spreng.
syst. 2. p. 799. Lindl. in bot. reg. t. 1030.
Gratiola foliis subrotundis nervosis, floribus luteis. Feuill. peruv. 2. p. 745. t.
34. (optima.)
b. Wilsoni, floribus majoribus punctis maculisque fulvo-rubris notatis.
A perennial herb. Stems ascending, cylindrical, hollow,
glabrous, rather fleshy, purplish, from three to six inches high,
creeping and rooting at the base. Leaves opposite, rounded or
ovate, acute, slightly wavy, torn at the edges with numerous
unequal, pointed teeth, about an inch long, of a deep green,
and slightly hairy above, and frequently furnished with one
or more dull purple spots, paler and perfectly glabrous beneath,
and furnished with five prominent r ib s ; upper ones
sessile; lower ones on short, flat footstalks, which are connate
at the base. Flowers axillary, solitary, pedunculate.
Peduncles erect, about an inch and a half long, cylindrical,
purplish, glabrous, furnished above with a deep and broad
furrow. Calyx campaimlate, with five prominent angles,
glabrous, green, stained with p u rp le ; limb oblique, with
five, rounded, blunt, folded lobes, the posterior one four or
five times larger. Corolla tubular, personate, golden yellow,
double the length of the calyx ; faux, ventricose, furnished
within with numerous round, dark fulvous red d o ts; upper
lip 2-lobed, reflexed; lower lip 3-lobed, spreading, having
two prominent folds above, and copiously bearded with club