DEÚTZIA sJb ia .
Rough-leaved Deutzia.
Linnean Class and Order. DECANDRIA TETRAGYNIA.
Natural Order. PHILADELPHE7E. D. Don in edinb. phil. journ.
April, 1826, p. 133. O. Don gen. syst. gard. §■ bot. 2. p. 806.
D EU T Z IA . CaZi/x 5-fidus. Petala 5, aestivatione subvalvatà ! Stamina
10. Filamenta complanata, apice tridentata, dente intermedio antherifero.
S ty li 3 V . 4, omninò liberi. Capsula 3-4-locularis, apice valvulis totidem
Frútices (japonici v. nepalenses) fo liis oppositis petiolatis, inflorescentià cymosà
plerumque subracemosà.
D. scabra, pube stellata scabra ; foliis ovatis acuminatis argutè serrulatis, filamentorum
dentibus lateralibus divaricatis acutis.
Deutzia scabra. Thunb. Jl. jap. p. 185. t. 24. diss. nov. pl. gen. p. 19. t. 1.
Willd. sp.pl. 2. p. 730. D. Don in edinb. phil. journ. 1830, G. Don
gen. syst. gard. §■ bot. 2. p. 808. Lindl. in bot. reg. t. 1718.
Joro, vulgo Utsugi vel Jamma Utsugi. Kmmpf. amoen. p . 854.
An erect, branching shrub, 4 or 5 feet high, with the
whole of the young parts rough with minute starry pubescence.
Branches cylindrical, or slightly angular, covered
with a reddish brown bark. Leaves opposite, stalked, ovate,
or ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, penninerved, minutely serrulate,
with somewhat bristly ascending teeth ; varying from
2 to 4 inches in length, and from an inch to an inch and a
half, or even more, in breadth, grass green and scabrous on
both surfaces with minute papillose bristles, especially on
the veins, the under surface scarcely if at all paler. Petioles
very short, 2 or 3 lines long, slightly compressed, united
a t the base into a ring, marked above with a narrow furrow.
Flowers cymose. Cymes axillary, solitary, mostly 3-flowered,
or disposed along a terminal axis, like a raceme, and then
they are reduced to a single flower. Bractes opposite, linear-
lanceolate, acute, entire, or sparingly denticulate, channelled,
deciduous. Pedicels filiform, and as well as the calyx, copiously
scabrous and canescent, with starry pubescence.
Calyx the tube globose ; limb urceolate, 5-lobed ; lobes
short, ovate, acute, pale green, erect and connivent. Petals
5, pure white, thrice longer than the calyx, oblong-lanceolate,
somewhat acute, erect and slightly connivent, valvate in
æstivation, the margins slightly induplicate, and erosely
crenulate, especially towards the apex, sparingly clothed on
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