VERBÉNA erinoides; var. Sabini.
D w a r f Erinus-like Vervain.
Linnean Class and Order. DIDYNAMIA ANGIOSPERMIA.
Natural Order. VERBENACE^. Brown prodr. 1. p. 510.
V E R B E N A . Suprà fol. 9.
V. erinoides, tetrandra; prostrata, pilosa ; foliis multifidis : segmentis lineari-lau-
eeolatis obtusiusculis ciliatis, spica capitatâ: corollis pubescentibus: tubo
calyce subduplo longiore : laciniis emarginatis, antheris inclusis.
Verbena erinoides. Lam. ill. l .p . 57. diet. 8. p . 547. Willd. en. p. 634.
Spreng. syst. 2. p. 750.
V. multifida. Ruiz et Pavon fl. peruv. et chil. 1. p. 21. t. 33. f .c . syst. 1.
. p. 338.
Erinus laciniatus. Linn. sp. p l.p. 879.
Lychnidæa Veronlcæ tenuifoliæ folio, vulgh Sandia-Laguen. Feuill. peruv. 2.
p. 35. t. 25.
p. Sabini, minor, glabrior, magisque coespitosa; floribus purpuréis.
Verbena Sabini. Hortulan.
V. multifida /3contracta. bot. reg. t. 1766.
A dwarf, tufted, herbaceous perennial, with numerous angular,
prostrate, leafy, branched stems, clothed with short,
bristly, reversed hairs. Leaves opposite, stalked, tripartite,
the segments trifid, with linear-lanceolate, rather blunt lobes,
green above, paler beneath, nearly glabrous, except at the
edges and midrib, about 3-fourths of an inch long ; upper
ones with the lateral segments mostly undivided. Petioles
linear, flat, fringed. Spikes an inch long, crowded. Bractes
lanceolate, acuminate, half the length of the calyx, which is
tubular, 5-sided, with 5 erect, awl-shaped teeth, of which the
two upper pnes are rather longer. Corolla of a bright purple,
the tube nearly double the length of the calyx, exteriorly
pubescent, equal, not ventricose, clothed on the inside with
reversed hairs ; limb spreading, 5-partite, the lobes wedge-
shaped, notched at the apex, the inner two rather narrow.
Stamens 4, unequal, inclosed, and inserted in the tube. Filaments
very short, compressed, glabrous. Anthers., yellow, of