'li LÀTHYRUS rotundifolius; var. ellipticus.
Round-leaved Everlasting Pea.
Linnean Class and Order. DIADELPHIA DECANDRIA.
Natural Order. LEGUMINOSiE. Juss. gen. p. 345.
L A TH Y R U S . Supra fol. 37.
* Perennes, foliis unijugis, pedunculis multifioris.
L. rotundifolius, cirrhis diphyllis, foliolis subrotundis ellipticisve 3-5-nervlis
glabris, stipulis semisagittatis integerrimis, pedunculis multifioris, leguminibus
glabris polyspermis, seminibus globosis obscurè punctatis.
Latbyrus rotundifolius. Willd. sp. pi. 3. p. 1088. Marsch. à Bieb.fl. taur.
cauc. 2. p. 156. suppl. p. 466. cent. pi. rar. ross. 1. t. .22. Decand.
prodr. 2. p. 370. G. Don gen. syst. gard. ^ hot. 2.p. 332.
L orientalis rotundifolius, flore rubro. Tournef. cor. p. 26.
ß. ellipticus, caulis alis latioribus, foliolis ellipticis, stipulis majoribus, corollis
Latbyrus rotundifolius ß. Marsch. à Bieb. I. c. suppl. p. 466. Decand.
prodr. 2. p. 370.
A climbing, perennial herb, extending to the height of
3 or 4 feet. Stems triquetrous, with winged angles. Leaves
on narrow, winged petioles, an inch long; leaflets 2, rounded-
oval, or elliptical, mucronate, 3 or 5-nerved, membranous,
glabrous, glaucous beneath, an inch or an inch and a half
long. Peduncles many-flowered, longer than the leaves,
cylindrical, glabrous. Stipules semisagittate, linear, acuminate,
entire. Flowers smaller than those of L. latifolius
which they otherwise much resemble. Calyx campanulate,
glabrous ; teeth lanceolate, acuminate, the three lower ones
longer and spreading. Corolla crimson; vexillum broad,
erect and spreading, toothless at the base ; keel ventricose,
blunt, paler, shorter than the wings. StamenslO, diadelphous.
Filaments white. Anthers yellow. Stigma broad, spathulate,
pubescent. Pod oblong, many-seeded, glabrous.
Seeds globose, obscurely dotted.
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