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EÚTOCA Menziesii.
Mr. Menzîess Eutoca.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. HYDROPHYLLEÆ. Br. Bentham in linn. trans. 17.
p. 272.
EUTOCA. Corolla decidua. Ovarium ovoideo-globosum, piloso-bispidum.
Placenta lineares, dorso parietibus ovarii adnatæ, 4-multi-ovulatæ. Capsula
dissepimentis incompletis, semi-bilocularis.
Herbæ annua Ì sæpiàs erectæ, habitu Pbaceliæ, rariùs diffusa vel divaricata.
Flores racemosi densi sessiles, vel laxi pedunculati, cymis unilateralibus
simplieibus vel dichotomis. Bentham in i. c. 17. p . 276.
E. Menziesii, erecta; foliis linearibus lanceolatisve integerrimis quandoque
trifidis pînnatifidisve, piacentis 20-multi-ovulatis. Bentham in l. c. 17.
p. 278.
Eutoca Menziesii. Broivn in Frankl, journ. app. p. 764.
E. multiflora. Dougl. in bot. reg. t. 1180.
The whole plant clothed with hoary pubescence, intermixed
with longer bristly hairs. Root annual. Stem erect,
about a span high, branched, cylindrical. Leaves alternate,
stalked, linear-lanceolate, obtuse, entire or pinnatifid, frequently
3-lohed, an inch or an inch and a half long, glaucous
beneath, the margins revolute. Racemes an inch long,
stalked, in the young state cincinately revolute. Flowers
rather distant, unilateral, pedicellate. Calyx deeply 5-
lartite; segments linear-lanceolate, erect, bristly, the two
ateral ones rather longer. Corolla longer than the calyx,
funnel-shaped, purple, finely pubescent, the faux dilated,
the limb divided into 5, rounded, entire, equal, veiny lobes,
imbricate in aestivation, the tube white. Stamens 5, rather
longer than the corolla, inserted into the base of the tube.
Filaments slender, compressed, minutely glandular, white,
dilated at the base, furnished near the apex with long