ESCALLONIA pulverulenta.
Powdered Escallonia.
Linnean Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. ESC ALLONE.E. Brown in ira n k l. journ. app. p. 766.
ESCA LL ONI A . Suprà fol. 81.
E pulverulenta, pubescens, viscosa ; M is elliptico-oblongis crenulatis, racemo
terminali spiclformi, deutibus calyclms ovatis obtusi^ stylo ovario breviore
Escallonia pulverulenta. Persoon syn. 1. p . ‘235. C h ^ .
Linnad, I. p. 541. Decand. prodr. 4. p. 5. O. Don gen. syst. gard
Sr bot. 3. p. 195. Hooker ^ Arnott in Beechefs voy. app. p. 56.
Stereftylon pulverulentum. Ruiz et Pavonfl. peruv. et chil. 3. p. 15. t. ¿o7
f . a. syst. 1. p. 70.
An upright, branched, evergreen shrub, rising to the
height of 6 or 8 feet, and sometimes more, with bluntly
angular, thickly pubescent, and viscid branches. Leaves
stalked, ellipticahoblong, obtuse, light green, r e p l a r ly
crenulate, pubescent, varnished and glutinous on both sides,
especially in the younger ones, from 2 to 4 inches long, and
from an inch to an inch and a half broad, flat and even,
furnished with transverse veins, which are finely reticulate,
somewhat acute at the base. Petioles scarcely half an inch
long, nearly cylindrical. Flowers numerous, small, white,
racemose. Racemes terminal, mostly solitary spiciform,
erect, 3 or 4 inches long. Pedicels slender, angular, about 3
lines lono-. Bractes small, awlshaped, pubescent, channelled
above, shorter than the pedicels. _Calyx turbinate, glutinous,
sparingly pubescent, obscurely five-sided, the teeth 5, very
short, ovate, blunt, coriaceous. Petals white, _ ovate-oblong,
blunt, connivent, longer than the calyx, with the upper
edges revolute. Stamens 5, connivent, about hall the length
of the petals. Filaments compressed, white, glabrous
widened towards the base. Anthers incumbent, yellow, ol