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EÙTOCA Wrangeliana.
Baron Wrangel’s Eutoca.
L i n n e a n Class and Order. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA.
Natural Order. HYDROPHYLLEÆ. Br. Benth. in Linn. trans. 17.
p. 272.
EUTOCA. Suprà fol. 334.
E. Wrangeliana, procumbens, pubescens ; foliis ellipticis mucronulatis pleruin-
que integerrimis, corolla calyce subduplo longiori : appendiculis tubuliitis
connatis, staminibus inclusis, placentis multiovulatis.
Eutoca Wrangeliana. Fisch. et Mey. ind. sem. hort. imp. petrop. 1835. p. 37.
Root fibrous, annual, /»im procumbent, branched, cylindrical,
a span long, pale green, afterwards becoming purple,
clothed with short crisped pubescence, intermixed with
spreading, rather bristly, white hairs. Leaves alternate,
stalked, elliptical, mucronulate, entire, plain and even above,
paler and ribbed beneath, the secondary branches curved,
and, as well as the midrib, prominent; sliglitly attenuated
at the base, thinly clothed on both sides with reclining
bristly hairs, about two inches long, and varying from an
inch to an inch and a half in breadth ; the radical ones are
furnished with longer footstalks, and they are occasionally
3-lohed. Petioles prominent and convex beneath, flat above,
an inch or two inches long. Inflorescence cymose. Cymes
unilateral, many-flowered. Pedicels very short. Calyx 5-
partite, leafy; segments lanceolate, obtuse, adpressed, bristly,
the ed'i'es recurved. Corolla large, campanulate, ahout an
inch in diameter, pale bine, 5-lohed, externally pubescent;
lobes rounded, slightly repand and plaited, traversed by prominent,
branched, deeper-coloured veins ; the base furnished
with 5 tubular nectariferous hollows, formed hy the union of
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