SCUTELLÀRIA alpina; var. sanguinea.
R ed Alpine Scullcap.
Linnean Class and Order, DIDYNAMIA GYMNOSPERMIA.
Natural Order. LABIAT7E. Brown prodr. \ . p 499.
SC U TE L LA R IA . Calyx bilabiatus, ebracteatus, labiis integris, superiore
intùs fornicato, extùs apice gibbo ; fructùs clausus. Corolla ringens,
galeà subtridentatà, labii inferioris lacinia media emarginata.
Herbae v. Suffrutices. Flores axillares, solitarii v. terminales. Brown 1 c
p. 507.
S. alpina, caule procumbente, foliis subsessilibus vel breviter petiolatis ovatis
serrato-crenatis concoloribus, floralibus membranaceis imbricatis, spicis
tetragonis spicatis. Benth. lab. p. 425.
Scutellaria alpina. Linn. sp. pl. p. 834. A ll. ped. p. \4 2 .t. 26. f . 3. Waldst.
et Kit. hung. 2. p. ¡46. t. 137. Sw. suprà v. 1. s. 1. t. 90. Lindl. in
bot. reg. t. 1460.
S. altaica. Fisch. cat. hort. gor. p, 39. Sw. suprà u. 1. s. 1. f. 45.
S. foliis cordatis, obtuse mucronatis serratisque, spicis foliosis, calycibus deorsum
flexis. Gmel. sib. 3. p. 229. t. 48.
/3. sanguinea, floribus sanguineis.
y. lupulina, floribus flavis.
Scutellaria lupulina. Linn. sp. pl. p. 834. Willd. sp. p l.3 . p. \12. Schm.
ic. t. 73. Lindl. in bot. reg. t. 1493.
S. verna. Bess. gal. 2. p. 43.
P lan t perennial, copiously clothed with long, soft, jointed
hairs. Stems procumbent, square, 3 or 5 inches long.
Leaves on short footstalks, ovate-oblong, obtuse, crenated,
green, half an inch long, ribbed beneath, often attenuated at
the base. Spikes terminal, solitary, strobiliform, four-sided,
an inch or two inches long. Flowers opposite, pedicellate.
Bractes large, ovate-oblong, entire, membranous, coloured,
concave, hairy, ribbed, about as long as the flowers, at first
closely imbricated, but finally deciduous. Pedicels very
short, straight, square, purple, hairy and glandular, as well
as the calyx. Calyx deflected, bilabiate, purple, with two
very short, almost truncate, entire lips, the appendage orbi