182 BEYACEÆ. [Encalypta.
4. E. c ilia ta , Hedw. In loose bright or pale green tufts:
leaves soft, complicate-incurved when dr}', undulate on the
borders; costa pale yellow, vanishing below the apiculate apex
or passing into it ; hasilar areolation loose, reddish above :
calyptra straw-color, descending far below the base of the
capsule, bordered at base by lanceolate solid whitish or orange
laciniæ : capsule cylindrical, smooth, slightly constricted under
the orifice when dry ; peristome rarely absent, attached below
tlie orifice, formed of 16 narrowly lanceolate teetli, sometimes
divided into two irregular segments, spreading wlion dry; annulus
none. — Spec. Muse. 61 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 2Ü0.
H a b . Shaded rocks and soil, in mountain regions o f New England, the
Eocky Mountains, and the Pacific slope ; not rare.
* * * Feri^tome simple., regular.
5. E. Macounii, Aust. Differs from E. apophysata, Nees
& Hornsch., in the leaves muticous at the apex, the costa vanishing
below it, the calyptra fimbriate at base, the capsule (not
mature) more distinctly apopbysate, and the teeth shorter and
much narrower.—^ Coult. Bot. Gaz. ii. 97.
H a b . Stewart’s Lake Mountains, Canada (Macoun).
To this diagnosis, wliicli, considering the immature state of the capsule,
shows an essential difference from the European E. apophysata, the
autlior adds: “ calyptra about as large as in the largest specimens of E.
ciliata, light fuscous yellow (the fringe brown, uniform, narrow, and delicate),
densely papillose over the W'h ole surf ace ; pedicel reddish, minutely
papillose, rather densely so above the middle, more remotely so below it,
slightly twisted to the right in drying; apophysis at the base of the capsule
very large; peristome single, the teeth of medium length, very narrow' and
filiform, red, more or less split into two equal segments, nodulose and
granulose; leaves much crisped when dry, straight and erect when moist,
narrowly lingulate, carinate, broadly revolnte on the margin, very opaque,
the eosta ceasing below the apex and densely papillose on the back ; peri-
cliætial leaves much smaller and thinner, the innermost scarcely exceeding
the vaginule, with a broad subvaginal base and a lingulate very obtuse
* * * * Capsule striate, twisted to the left ; peristome double.
6. E. p ro c e r a , Bmoh. Plants densely tufted, long and
robust : leav'es lingulate, muticous or apiculate, the strong eosta
ceasing below the apex or rarely passing above it ; basilar areolation
reddish, hyaline, separated from the upper by a rod zone :
calyptra descending below the capsule, fimbriate only when
young, straw-color: capsule ovate, cylindrical, pale yellow,
Encalypta.] BKYACEÆ. 183
8-striate, twisted to the left and narrower when dry, its long
purple pedicel generally twisted to the right or to the left just
under the capsule ; teeth of the outer peristome 16, long, linear,
marked by a dividing line, distantly articulate, purple ; inner
peristome of 16 cilia, opposite and similar to the teeth, yellowish,
very papillose, attached to a broad yellow membrane protruding
into 16 short reddish cilia between the teeth, sometimes bifid at
base aud connivent into a cone when dry ; annulus double. —
Bruch & Schimp., Bryol. Eur. t. 205. E. longipes, Mitt. Journ.
Linn. Soc. viii. 29, t. 5.
IIab. Shady ravines, British America (Drummond, Macoun).
Upon examination of the specimens of E. lomjii)es. Mitt., in all of
Drummond’s sets, tlie characters have been found identical with those of
E. procera: the plants moncecious; calyptra papillose, its borders emarginate,
erose or fimbriate at base; perichætial leaves piliferous; capsule
spirally striate, etc. The differences tliat appear in the eliaracters indicated
hy Mitten result from the unripeness of the specimen he had for
7. E. S e lw y n i, Aust. Differs from the preceding species
especially in its smaller size, the leaves more or less revolute,
the upper ones broadly lingulate with a long hyaline hair-point
formed by the excurrent costa, which is densely papillose and
reddish downward, and in the minutely and remotely papillose
calyptra descending much below the base of the capsule, deeply
laciniate and brown at the persisting base: capsule solid,
strongly sulcate and distinctly twisted to the right, cylindi'ical ;
peristome glabrous, long, the outer teeth dark red, filiform,
distantly nodulose, the inner yellow, with the cilia nearly as
long as the teeth and arising from a broad membrane. — Coult.
Bot. Gaz. ii. 109.
Hab. Vancouver Island {Macoun).
Intermediate between E. procera and E. stre^Jtocarpa.
8, E . s tr e p to c a r p a , Hedw. Dioecious: plants robust and
of large size : leaves oblong-lingulate, muticous ; costa reddish,
ascending to the apex; perichætial leaves oblong at base,
abruptly narrowed into a long lanceolate point : calyptra very
long, prolonged much below the base of the oapsrile, diity
brown: capsule long and long-pedicellate, cylindrical, twisted
to the left, orange-striate, spirally furrowed when dry; teeth
filiform, separated to the base, minutely papillose, purple, erect,
cilia numerous, irregular, more or less connate, half as long as
., ' ; J : I
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