17. G. Olneyi, Sulliv. Very similar to G. trichophylla,
differing iu the leaves lanceolate from a more enlarged ovate
base, more rigid, not flexuous, with a more compact areolation,
and the borders flat and not reflexed toward the base, the capsule
smooth, not furrowed when dry, the pedicel shorter, and
the lid somewhat shorter beaked : the peristome, the calyptra,
more deeply split on one side, and the annulus are the same in
both. — Mosses of TJ. States 37, and Icon. Muse. 67, t. 42 ;
Sulliv. & Lesq. Muso. Bor.-Am. Exsicc. n. 141.
Hab. On flat dry or wet rocks ; Eastern States, not rare.
18. G. O a lifo rn ic a , Sulliv. In loose, sometimes wide
tnfts : leaves open, erect, lanceolate, carinate-concave, reflexed
on the borders ; costa excurrent into a short hyaline denticulate
hair-point : capsule obovate, subpyriform and pendent from a
short arcuate pedicel ; teeth short, irregularly bifid at the apex.
— Pacif. R. Rep. iv. 187, t. 4, excl. var.
Ha b . On rocks, California; common.
The lid, calyptra and annulus, and the general facies are the same in
this species as in the two preceding. G. trichophylla has the stems
longer, less crowded and more slender, the leaves flexuous, the capsule
prominently ribbed when dry, and longer flexuous pedicels, while G.
Olneyi has the leaves canaliculate-concave, not recurved on the borders,
aud linear-Iauceolate from an ovate base.
Plants erect. Leaves open, not crispate when dry, solid,
generally hair-pointed, flat on the borders. Calyptra mitrate
and five-lobed, or oblique and more highly split on one side,
thus appearing half-cucullate, half-mitrate, or distinctly cucullate.
Capsnle erect on a straight pedicel, exserted or rarely
immersed, regular, not costate.
* Calyptra lohate-mitrate.
Floioers monoecious.
19. G. Donniana , Smith. Plants short, small, whitish
green, pulvinate : leaves soft, pale green, blackish brown when
dry, the lower small, lanceolate-acuminate, the upper much
longer, narrowly lanceolate, gradually tapering into a long
nearly smooth diaphanous hair-point ; borders slightly thicker
toward the apex ; perichætial leaves longer, with the hair-point
as long as the lamina : capsule suhexserted, small, thin, oval or
oblong, yellowish, with a short conical obtuse orange-colored
lid ; teeth nearly entire, or slightly perforated toward the apex,
reflexed when dry ; annulus broad, of a triple row of cells, persistent.
— FI. Brit. iii. 1198; Bryol. Eur. t. 249. G. obtusa,
Schwaegr. Suppl. i. 88, t. 25 ; Muell. Syn. i. 796.
Var. cu rv is e ta . Pedicel longer, flexuous.
Hab. On rocks, White Mountains [Oakes, James); the variety at
Monitor, Caiifornia (Lapham) ; Yakima River, Cascade Mountains ( IFoi-
20. G. Coloradensis, Austin. Pulvinate-oespitulose ; the
stems 1 c.m. long or less, fastigiately branching: leaves sub-
erect, lanceolate or sublingulate, carinate, muticous or the
upper hyaline-apiculate, more or less thickened on the borders ;
areolation very minute, dense, somewhat pellucid, a little larger
at the base ; costa slender, vanishing far below the apex ; perichætial
leaves erect, broader, loosely areolate at base, often
Buhdentioulate on the borders, long-hyaline, mucronate, serrate,
costate to below the apex : capsule on a very short straight pedicel,
globose, with a broad orifice ; teeth pale red, short, broad,
suboribrose at the apex, spreading open when dry, incurved
when moist ; lid and calyptra not seen. — Coult. Bot. Gaz. ii.
Hae. Colorado (Brandegee).
The author says that this species is one of the smallest of the genus.
The absence of the lid and calyptra renders the relations of this moss uncertain.
The characters of the leaves and areolation, the form of the
capsule, and the peristome are those of G. Donniana, var. elongata, whose
leaves are muticous or shortly hyaline-apiculate; but the pedicel is long.
21. G. o v a ta , Web. & Mohr. More robust than the last,
pulvinate or subcespitose : lower leaves much smaller than the
comal ones, ovate, lanceolate-acute, the comal oblong-concave
and reflexed on the borders in the lower part, narrowly lanceolate
and carinate above, tapering to a somewhat long nearly
smooth hair-point; perichætial leaves larger, sheathing: capsule
distinctly exserted, oval or oblong-ovate, of thick texture,
light brown ; lid obliquely and obtusely short-beaked ; teeth
long, split to the middle into two unequal segments, or lacerate
and cribrose in the upper part, purple, spreading when dry;
annulus broad.—Itin. Suec. 132, t. ii, fig. 4; Schwaegr. SupiDl.
i. 85, t. 24 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 254.