the outer of long linear or lanceolate teeth, closely articulate
below, lamellate inside ; the inner a carinate membrane ascending
to the middle of the outer teeth and there divided into segments,
which are adherent to the teeth or free, and separated
by two or three generally appendiculate cilia. Annulus generally
large, compound, revoluble.
Cilia and segments of the internal membrane adhering to the
teeth (Ptychostomurn), or free and with imperfect or rarely perfect
inappendiculate cilia {Cladodium).
* Floioers bisexual and polygamous.
1. B. a rc ticum , Bruch & Schimp. Plants in pulvinate
purplish tufts : lower leaves ovate-lanceolate, the upper oblong-
ovate, all acuminate, bordered with a brown revolute margin,
decurront at base ; costa excnrrent, slightly denticulate at the
apex : capsule pendent, soft, pyriform-clavate, slightly incurved,
pale yellow, reddish at the orifice; lid small, conical, mamillate,
yellow; peristome small; cilia 2, short: spores large, verrucu-
lose, yellowish green; annulus large, revoluble. — Bryol. Eur.
t. 335. Pohlia arctica, R. Bi-own, App. Parry’s Voy. Suppl.
296 ; Schwaegr. Suppl. ill., t. 272“-
Ha b . Melville Island (Parry); summit of the Rocky Mountains,
British America (Drummond, Bourgeau); foot of Mount Dana, California
2. B. p u rp u ra s c e n s , Bruch & Schimp. Resembles the
preceding, differing in its wide tufts, longer stems, reddish
leaves with narrower scarcely revolnte borders, and mucronate
or cuspidate by the percurrent smooth costa, the narrower
capsule more regular, constricted under the orifice when dry,
the larger lid and smaller smooth spores. — Bryol. Eur. t. 336.
Pohlia purpw'ascens, R. Brown. 1. c. 297. P. arctica, var.
purpurascens, Schwaegr. Snppl. ill., t. 272'’-
Hab. Melville Island (Parry); Rocky Mountains (Bourgeau, according
to Mitten) and Rainy Lake, British America (Iluihard).
3. B. Brownii, Bruch & Schimp. Plants densely cespitose
and tomentose, green above: leaves narrowly ovate-lanceolate,
reflexed on the very narrowly margined borders, slightly denI
ticulate above along the excnrrent costa and below it ; costa
less decurrent at base than in the two preceding species ;
branoh-leaves narrower, not margined ; areolation hexagonal-
rectangular: male and female flowers separate, but adjacent
upon the same innovations : capsule pendent, oblong-pyriform,
regular ; lid large, convex-apiculate, orange-colored ; peristome
large, the segments split, separated by two long smooth cilia ;
annulus compound, very large. — Bryol. Eur. t. 838. Pohlia
bryoides, R. Brown, 1. c: 296.
H a e . Meivilie Isiaud (Parry) ; Eocky Mountains (Bourgeau, according
to Mitten).
The flowers in separate involucral leaves, the leaves narrower, slightly
serrulate at tlie apex and very narrowly margined, the parenchymatöse
(Iiexagonal-reetangular) areolation, the longer narrower capsule, aud the
very large annulus separate this species from the two preceding. The
spores are large and verruculose.
4. B. pend u lum , Schimp. Plants densely cespitose and
ramose : comal leaves close, erect-spreading, ovate-lanceolate,
long-cuspidate by the excurrent costa, smooth or dentate at the
apex, carinate-concave, morfe or less reflexed on the narrowly
margined borders, rigid; areolation rhomhoidal in the upper
part, rectangular and reddish toward the base : male flowers few,
bisexual, gemmiforrn ; antheridia and paraphyses very numerous
: capsule inclined, nearly horizontal or pendent on a flexuous
pedicel, oval or subglobose, with a short inflated collum ;
lid small, conical-apiculate, long-persistent ; inner peristome
adhering to . the outer teeth ; segments and cilia detached only
in fragments; annulus large: spores smooth, yellow. — Coroll.
70, and Syn. 349. Ptychostomumpendulum, Hormch. Bryum
cernuum, Bruch & Schimp. Bi’yol. Eur. t. 331 ; Sulliv. Mosses
of U. States, 45.
Hab. On the ground, rocks and decayed trunks ; plains and mountains.
Very variable in the length and ramification of the stems, tlie form of
the more or less elongated capsule, generally pendent but often mclined,
etc. . Easily confounded with B. coespiticium, from which it is readily distinguished
by its narrow-mouthed capsule and its acutely apiculate lid.
It also resembles llie next species.
5. B. in c lin a tum , Bruch & Schimp. Differs from the
preceding in the leaves more revolute and more broadly margined,
acutely carinate toward the apex, the reddish brown
costa, the flowers generally bisexual, the much longer slender
pedicel of the capsule, its longer collum, the convex shorter-