three times ; annulus none. — Bryol. Eur. t. 639. Ædi/tnoclon
fragilis, Hook. & Wils. in Drumm. Musc. Amer. n. 127. Tor-
tida fragilis, Wils. ; Lindb. Trichost. 253.
IIAB. Rocky Mountains (Drummond); Lake Superior (Agassiz);
Ausable River, base of the Adirondack Mountains, New York (Lesquereux)
; limestone rocks. New Jersey (Austin). Very rarely fertile.
§ 7. Squakkosæ. B km ts long, widely and loosely cespitose:
leaves o f equal size the whole length o f the stem, long-lanceolate,
squarrose ; cells minute, chlorophyllose, loose at the
base : flowers dioecious, axillary.
40. B. sq u a r ro s a , Brid. Tufts yellowish green, not
tomentose-radiculose : leaves densely tufted at the top of the
fertile plants, sheathing at base, recurved and incurved, squarrose,
twisted-crispate when dry, long-lanceolate, undulate on
the borders, serrate at the apex ; costa thin, excnrrent or percurrent
; perichætial leaves half-sheathing : innovations bearing
sometimes a number of perichætia, each with a single fruit :
calyptra very narrow, fugacious : capsule small, ovate-oblong or
cylindrical, a little curved; pedicel long, reddish below, yel-
lowdsh in the upper part ; teeth very long and slender, twice
convolute, with short constricted articulations, pale purple,
very papillose and fugacious; annulus narrow, simple. — Bryol.
Univ. i. 833 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 152. Pleurochoete squarrosa,
Lindb. Trichost. 253.
Hae. On the ground, at the roots of pines, near Lebanon, Tennessee
(J. Bohinson); Texas (Wright). Extremely rare, and only sterile specimens
as yet found in North America.
§ 8 . S y n t e i c h iæ . Plants robust : leaves oblong, lingulate or
ovatc-spatulate ; cells small, thick, chlorophyllose, papillose,
hexagonal above, larger, hyaline and hexagonal-rectangular
below : calyptra large : capsule oblong or cylindrical, gen,-
erally subarcuate, on a stout pedicel ; teeth attached to a long
tubular membrane spirally tessellated, entwe or rarely perforated
or c7'ibrose.
41. B. su b u la ta , Beauv. Monoecious : loosely cespitose ;
plants short, simple or divided, radiculose at base : leaves ovate
and spatulate-oblong, pointed or more or less long-mucronate by
the excurrent costa, entire or serrate at the apex, plane on the
borders, either entire or surrounded by a border of yellowish
long thick-walled cells : male flowers on short lateral branches :
Î .
I i
tubular base of the peristome very long; annulus double.—
Prodr. 43; Bryol. Eur. t. 160, 161. Pryum sidmlatum, Linn.
Sp. PI. 1116. Tortida subulata, Hedivf.; Lindb. Trichost. 242.
Var. su b in e rm is, Schimp. Leaves shortly mucronate by
the excurrent costa, with a less distinct border : capsule shorter
and shorter-pedicellate. — Syn. 187.
Var. m u tic a , Schimp. Leaves shorter, broader, blunt at
the apex, not margined, but reflexed on the borders.
Var. a n g u s ta ta , Schimp. Leaves longer and narrower,
linear with a narrow thick margin : capsule very narrow, cylindrical,
Hab. Western Arizona (Bigelow), and at the Big Tree Grove, California
(Bolander); Eocky Mountains (E. Hall); Twin Lakes, Colorado
(Wolf <6 Bothrock); British Columbia (Macoun), a variety with entire
borders and long hair-like points. ^ ^
Lindberg, 1. c., remarks on the synonymy of this specms and its numerous
varieties, that upon examination of numerous specimens of the dif-
ferent forms he cannot find one with characters distinct enough to separate
it as a species. The surface of the leaves is more or less papiUose,
sometimes smooth, the costa passes above the apex in a short or long
mucro, the borders are marginate by one or two rows of longer yellowish
cells, or entire with an unchanged areolation, the lid and the capsule are
variable in length, the peristome whitish or reddish brown, and the
annulus broad or narrow.
42. B. in erm is, Muell. Differs from the preceding in the
leaves more solid, oblong, obtuse or blunt at the apex, the
borders not margined, very entire, revolnte in the upper part,
the areolation smaller, more opaque and dense, and the capsule
shorter. — Syn. 1. 624. Tortula inermis, Mont.; Lindb.
Trichost. 241. P. subulata, var. inermis, Bruch & Schimp.
Bryol. Eur. t. 161, in part, and 167.
Hab. California, near the Rio Colorado (Bigelow).
43. B. m u cronifolia, Bruch & Schimp. Mode of growth
as in P. subulata, from which it differs in the leaves a little
shorter with immarginate borders reflexed toward the base, the
areolation looser, the costa excurrent into a longer smooth
point, the lid and the pedicel of the capsnle shorter, the annulus
broader, the tubular often perforated membrane nearly half as
long, with shorter teeth, and the male flowers smaller. — Bryol.
Eur. t. 162. Tortula mucronifolia, Schwaegr. Suppl. i. 136,
t. 34. T. subulata, var. Icevifolia, Lindb. Trichost. 242.
Hab. Bare ground, limestone rocks, banks of streams, e tc .; not rare.