date by the excurrent yellowish costa, plano-concave, with
borders slightly recurved, green, chlorophyllose and verrucose
ill the upper part, loosely areolate and hyaline toward the base :
antheridia paraphysate, axillary : calyptra tawny and scabrous
at the apex : lid obliquely rostrate from a convex base : peristome
composed of a basilar papillose membrane with an irregular
margin sometimes cut into rudimentary teeth ; annulus
Bryol. Eur. t. 122. Gymnostomum Wilsoni, Hook.
Bot. Misc. 1. 143, t. 41 ; Wils. Suppl. Engl. Bot. t. 2710. F.
truncata, var. subcylindrica, James, Bot. King Exp. 399.
H.VJS. Meadows near Carson City, Nevada ( Watson).
5. P. Heimii, Fuern. 1. c. Plants more robust, variable in
length, cespitose; leaves open, flexuous, the lower distant,
broadly lanceolate, the upper longer, close and tufted, lanceolate
acuminate, serrulate at the apex; costa subpercurrent:
flowers synoecious or in separate terminal buds : calyptra large,
smooth: capsule obovate or oblong, truncate, solid, brown;
lid obliquely rostrate from a plano-convex base, attached to the
exserted columella and deciduous with it. — Bryol. Eur. 1.124 ;
Muell. Syn. 1.551. Gymnostomum Heimii, Hedw. Muse. F rond,
i. 80, t. 80.
H a b . Ditches near Soda Springs, on the Upper Tuoiumne, Caiifornia
(Bolander) ; mountains of Utah and Nevada ( Watson) ; Coiorado and the
Rocky Mountains of British America; not rare.
6. P. rip a r ia , Aust. Plants short, widely cespitose, dirty
green : leaves narrowed to the half-clasping base, sub-
spatulate, rounded or lanceolate with a short acumen, more or
less distinctly denticulate, plane on the borders ; costa stout,
vanishing below the apex: flowers dioecious (?) (male plants
unknown) : capsule comparatively long and narrow, oylindric-
oblong, erect or slightly cernuous ; lid conical, mamillate ;
columella long, emerging, attached to the lid ; annulus large,
compound. — Muso. Appal, n. 112; Sulliv. Icon. Muse. Suppl.
34, t. 21,
H a b . On moist rocks aiong streams ; Paiisades of Southern New York
and New Jersey, rareiy fertiie (Austin).
7. P. B a rb u la , Muell. Plants stemless, budding, gregarious
or subcespitose, simple : leaves few, close together, slightly
twisted, oblong-lanceolate, the lower acuminate, the upper
blunt at the slightly crenulate apex: flowers dioeoious, terminal;
perigonial leaves four, small, oval or cordate: capsule
erect or slightly curved, narrowly cylindrical, annulate ; lid
conical - subulate. — Syn. 1. 558. Gymnostomum Barbula,
Schwaegr. Suppl. 11. 77, t. 175. HyopMa Barbula, Hampe,
Bot. Zeit. iv. 267.
Hab. Limestone rocks, Key West (Garber); a Cuban species.
* * Capsule with a distinct peristome.
8. P. S ta rk e a n a , Muell. Plants minute, subcespitose,
annual, simple: leaves tufted, oblong-lanceolate, concave, re-
flexed on the borders, papillose in the upper part, shortly
mucronate by the excurrent costa : flowers monoecious ; antheridia
without paraphyses in the axils of comal leaves : capsule
very small, oval-oblong, chestnut-color, glossy : lid short, conical,
obtuse ; teeth plane, truncate or obtuse, with three or four
articulations, entire or perforated here and there, pale yellow,
papillose ; annulus simple, persistent. — Syn. 1. 547. Weisia
Starkeana, Iledw. Muse. Frond, iii. 83, t. 34. Anacalypta
Starkeana, Fuern. 1. c. 25; Nees & Hornsch. Bryol. Germ. ii.
139, t. 86 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 125.
Hab. On the ground, Mission Doiores, Caiifornia (Bolander); Utah
The ieaves, cuspidate by the excurrent costa, and the presence of an
annulus and peristome separate this species from P. minutula, which it
much resembles.
9. P . la tifo lia , Muell. Plants short, bulblform, branching
from the base, gregarious or loosely tufted, whitish green :
leaves imbricate in buds, the lower rounded, the upper round-
spatulate, nearly emarginate and abruptly apiculate; costa
vanishing below the apex ; perichætial leaves narrower, obtuse,
all very concave, nearly diaphanous ; upper areolation short,
oval, slightly chlorophyllose, the lower more enlarged, hexagonal
rectangular ; male flowers in separate buds near the base
of the fertile plants: capsule oval-oblong, erect, rarely subcernuous;
lid rostellate, oblique; teeth lanceolate, irregularly
bifid above the middle, enlarged and united at base by a narrow
membrane, yellow, minutely papillose; annulus narrow, persistent.
— Syn. 1. 549. Weisia latifolia, Schwaegr. Suppl. i. 64,
t. 18. Anacahjpta latifolia, Fuern. 1. c. ; Nees & Hornsch.
Bryol. Germ. 11. 135, t. 36 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 128. P. pilifera,
var. mutica, Lindb.
: 'i;
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