•J 1
1 ! 'i I
colored and hyaline, those of the angles thick, long, subquadrate,
dark-orange ; perichætium as in the preceding : capsule
long, cernuous, erect at base or horizontally arched, cylindrical-
oblong, constricted under the orifice and irregularly sulcate
when dry ; operculum convex, short-apiculate ; teeth dark
orange ; segments narrowly cleft between the articulations ;
cilia 2 or 3, as long as the segments, stout, subappendiculate
and punctulate ; annulus large, compound, persistent. ^—Bryol.
Eur. Suppl. Ilypnum, t. 2, 3. Amblystegium Sendtneri, Lindb.
Var. W ilso n i, Schimp. 1. c. Tufts deep, soft or irregularly
drooping, dirty yellow or fuscous ; plants very long (a foot or
more) ; stems slender, simple or scarcely divided, distantly ramulose
: leaves larger, filiform-acuminate, more or less arcuate or
hooked ; basilar angles shorter and quadi-ate ; basilar areolation
sliorter. — Amblgstegium Wilsoni, Lindb.
I Ia b . The variety only has been found in North America, in water, at
Budd’s Lake, New Jersey (T. P. James), as determined by Renault.
135. H. u n c in a tum , Hedw. Monoecious: tufts p.ale or
yellowish green, erect or drooping; stems solid, distantly jiin-
nately ramulose ; branchlets attenuate-falcate at the apex :
leaves long, falcate-secund or hooked, lanceolate-subulate, plicate,
minutely serrulate above, thinly costate ; areolation very narrow,
more enlarged at base, broader and rectangular at the
slightly excavate angles; perichætium very long, the outer
leaves recurved from the middle, costate, the inner very long
and long filiform-acuminate, sharply serrate at the apex, costate
and plicate, soft : capsule cernuous, incurved or suberect,
cylindrical, solid, constricted under the orifice when dry, brown-
orange, darker when old; operculum orange, higlily convex,
conical-acuminate; teeth orange at the base, yellowish above;
segments slightly cleft, and the two slender cilia as long as the
teeth; annulus broad, of three rows of cells. — Muse. Frond,
iv. 65, t. 45 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 600. Stereodon uncinatus, Brid.
Var. ab b rev ia tum , Bruch & Schimp. 1. c. Stems sliorter:
leaves narrower, incurved, falcate : capsule shorter-pedicellate,
nearly erect, brown.
Var. p lum o s um , Schimp. Drooping, widely creeping,
soft, pinnately ramulose : leaves hooked, with a long flexuous
loricate or capillary distantly serrate point : capsule narrow,
cylindrical, incurved. — Syn. 612.
Var. p lum u lo sum , Bruch & Schimp. 1. c. Very small and
slender, intricately cespitose and creeping, pinnately ramulose :
leaves small, with a shorter point, curved in a circle, distantly
serrulate at apex : capsule short-pedicellate, small. —■ II. Peckii,
Aust. in Rep. Reg. Univ. of State of N. York, xxv. 71.
Var. g ra c ile sc en s, Bruch & Schimp. More densely cespitose
; stem erect, slender, densely ramulose : leaves shorter,
solid, less falcate.
Var. su b ju laceum, Bruch & Schimp. Stem erect, with
few branchlets, teretely imbricate : leaves erect-secund, scarcely
uncinate, green, glossy : capsule suberect, cylindrical.
Var. fragile. Stems fragile, erect, subflexuous, simple or
sparingly branching by innovations : leaves suhhomomallous,
uncinate, very concave, narrowly acuminate, gradually narrowed
at base, very entire ; areolation linear, fusiform ; basilar cells
much shorter, scarcely broader ; those of the auricles subinflated.—
II. Jamesii, Aust., Coult. Bot. Gaz. ii. 142.
H a b . On stones bordering rivulets or on sliaded ground, and rarely
on decayed wood ; very common in alpine and subalpine regions, and very
136. H. flu itan s , Linn. Monoecious : plants in soft loose
yellowish dirty red tufts, often immersed or floating ; stems
long, slender, with dichotomous divisions, pinnately ramulose :
stem-leaves distant, flexuous, spreading, only those of the apex
hooked, long-lanceolate, gradually narrowly acuminate; those
of the branches and branchlets narrower, curved to one side or
falcate-secund, all costate to near the apex, concave, not sulcate,
minutely denticulate on the borders; areolation very narrowly
rhomhoidal, enlarged at the decurrent angles ; perichætial leaves
costate, the inner broad and long, narrowly acuminate : capsule
erect at base, ohlong, incurved, with a distinct collum, soft;
pedicel very long and flexuous ; operculum highly convex,
mamillate ; teeth short ; segments entire ; cilia one or two,
thick, shorter than the segments; annulus none. — FL Suec.
822; Bryol. Eur. t. 602. Amblystegium fluitans,TxASot.Wxo].
Ital. 143.
Var. su bm e rsum , Schimp. Stems very long and very
slender, with few branches and branchlets: leaves longer, very
soft, flat, pale green when young, fuscous when old : capsule
shorter, thicker, on a very long slender straight pedicel.—
Syn. 609.