2. B. flexuosa, Mnell. Stems comparatively long, curved
downward at base : stem-leaves distant, very small, narrowly
lanceolate-subulate, obscurely serrate at the apex : flowers
monoecious or paroecious ; antheridia in the axils of comal leaves
or in separate buds. — Bot. Zeit. v. 99. Phascum flexuosum,
Schwaegr. Suppl. ii. 1, t. 101.
Var. m ic ro c a rp a , Wils. Very slender: leaves very narrowly
subulate, the entire margin obscurely serrulate : capsule
narrow, longer apiculate, long-pedicellate.— P. microcarpa,
Wils.; Drumm. Muse. Amer. (Coll. II.), n. 14. Sporledera
setifolia, Jaeger, Muse. Cleist. 35.
Ha b . Clayey ground in fields, mixed with the following.
3. B. S u lliv an tii, Aust. Similar to the last, differing
merely in the short stems and narrowly ovate-lanceolate leaves,
the upper somewhat longer and elongated lanceolate-subulate,
subpapillose, the areolation more compact and texture more
solid. — Bull. Torr. Club, vi. 143. P . flexuosa, Sulliv. Icon.
Muse. 22 (excl. descr.), t. 13.
Var. n ig ric a n s. Leaves shorter; capsule with a shorter
collum : spores larger. — P. flexuosa, var. nigricans, Sulliv.
Mosses of IJ. States, 17 ; Sulliv. & Lesq. Muso. Bor.-Am. Exsicc.
n. 33. P . nigricans, Austin, 1. c.
Ha b . With the preceding; the variety on borders of depressions filled
w’itU water and Confervce at the top of the Raccoon Mountains, Alabama
The variety is evidently due to immersion, as higher upon the dry sand
of the borders of the depressions the moss gradually assumes its normal
4. B. B olanderi, Lesq. Monoecious, densely gregarious or
subcespitose, pale green : stem-leaves distant, lanceolate, the
Gomal erect-spreading, short-subulate from the lanceolate slightly
enlarged base ; costa broad, flat, vanishing below the obtusely
serrulate apex ; perichætial leaves tubulose, narrowly lanceolate
from the middle : male flowers in separate buds upon the
primary prostrate stems ; capsule erect or slightly oblique, longnecked,
upon a long flexuous thick pedicel ; calyptra short,
split to the middle on one side. — Mem. Calif. Acad. 1. 5 ;
Sulliv. Icon. Muse. Suppl. 23, t. 14.
Hab. Westfall’s Meadow, near Bigtree Grove, Mariposa County, California,
at 8,000 feet altitude (Bolander).
The species is allied to the European B. Vogeslaca, Schwaegr., differing
esuociallY in the shorter leaves, the perichætial longer and more or less
S l o s e ^ n the short beak and collum of the capsule, the thick pedicel,
6tC. 5. B. B e y ric llia n a , Muell. Stems short, simple : leaves
curved when dry, open-erect when moist, those of the stem narrowly
lanceolate, the comal gradually long-subulate from the
enlavo-ed base, obsourelv serrulate at the apex : flowers paroe-
ciousl capsule solid, oblong, with a short indistinct collum,
sublmmersod, its top not surpassing the leaves ; pedicel short,
flexuous ; calyptra large, broadly laciniate, covering the capsule
to its base. — Bot. Zeit. v. 99 ; Sulliv. Icon. Muse. Suppl. 25,
t 15 partly made upon specimens of the next species. Sporle-
dercl Peyrichiana, Hampe, Linnæa, xi. 279. Phascum Peyrichianum,
Schwaegr. Suppl. iv. t. 301.
Hab. First found near Baltimore by Beyrich ; Burlington, New Jersey
(James); Illinois (Vasey).
6. B. b rev ico llis, Lesq. & James. Differing from the last
in the lono-er-pedicellate emergent broadly oval capsule, with a
distinct collum defluent into the pedicel, in the shorter apiculate
calyptra reaching to the collum, and in the shorter leaves,
broader at base, and narrowed into a long entire awl-shaped
point entirely filled by the enlarged costa. - Proc. Am. Acad,
xiv. 135.
Hae. Santee Canal, South Carolina (Ravenel).
7. B. cu rv ise ta . Plants short: lower leaves small, lanceolate,
the upper much longer, narrowly subulate from a short
broadly ovate base, denticulate at and near the apex ; costa
stout, iilling the awl-shaped canaliculate ■ point : flowers monoe-
cioiis: capsule emergent, ovate, with a distinct collum, abruptly
narrowed or truncate upon a somewhat long pedicel, which is
geniculate or abruptly curved in the middle; lid short, acuminate
; calyptra large, covering the capsule to below the middle,
smooth.— 7?. Voyesiaca, var. 2, Hook. & Wilson, Drumm.
Muso. Amer. (Coll. II.), n. 15, in part.
Hab. Louisiana, near New Orleans (Drammond).
Compared witli B. brevicollis it differs in the leaves distinctly denticulate
above, in the larger and shorter calyptra, the capsule truncate at base,
and the longer geniculate pedicel.
8. B. Hallii, Aust. Plants small, gregarious, yellowish
green : stem | cent, long, slender, filiform : lower leaves small,
closely appressed, broadly ovate-acuminate, the upper longer,