Var. aflQnis, Bruch & Schimp. More robust: capsule
large, with shorter pedicel, scarcely exserted : leaves with a
longer hair-point.
Hab. Top of Mount Marcy, New York [Lesquereux); Western
Nevada (Watson); Twin Lakes, Colorado (Wolf & Bothrock); the variety
at Sante Fé, New Mexico (Fendler), aud in the Rocky Mountains (E.
■t- Flowers dicecious.
22. G. P en n sy lv an ic a , Schwaegr. Plants robust, rigid,
tufted or more or less widely cespitose, dark green : stem-leaves
lanceolate, gradually acuminate, submutioous, enlarged, concave,
and reflexed toward the base ; perichætial leaves longer,
tapering into a short rough hair-point : capsule nearly immersed
on a pedicel not half its length, ohlong-ovate, smooth
when dry; lid conical-rostrate, erect; teeth purple, broadly
lanceolate, split and cribrose above; annulus large. — Suppl.
i. 91, t. 25 ; Sulliv. Mosses of U. States, 37, and Icon. Muso.
68, t. 43 ; Sulliv, & Lesq. Muso. Bor.-Am. Exsicc. n. 138.
Hab . On rocks, hills and mountains of the central and southern sections;
23. G. c a ly p tr a ta , Hook. Plants larger, in dense loosely
adhering glaucous-green whitish tufts : lower leaves gradually
smaller, lanceolate, short, with a short pellucid point, the comal
and perichætial much longer, lanceolate from an oblong slightly
broader base and tajoering into a rough hair-iaoint reaching
higher than the top of the capsule ; borders flat or slightly recurved
: calyptra campanulate-mitriform, irregularly rugose,
plicate, 5-6-lobate, covering the capsule nearly to its base : capsule
on a pedicel equalling it in length, oblong-oval, smooth
when dry, slightly constricted under the broad orifice ; lid conical
rostrate ; teeth lanceolate, very cribrose nearly to the base ;
annulus none. — Hook, in Drumm. Muse. Amer. n. 60 ; Sulliv.
& Lesq. Muso. Bor.-Am. Exsicc. n. 139; Sulliv. Icon. Muse,
i. 69, t. 44. Guembelia calyptrata, Muell. Syn. i. 775.
Hab. Eocky Mountains, California, New Mexico, etc. ; not rare on the
western slope.
24. G. leucoph.æa, Grev. Stems rather stout, in wide
silver-gray tufts : lower leaves very small, ovate-lanceolate,
acuminate, without hair-point, the upper ohlong-lanceolate, concave
at the lower part, prolonged into a long very rough hair-
point, decurrent, plane on the borders, narrowly oostate ; perichætial
leaves half-sheathing, erect : capsule included, elliptical
or broadly oblong, contracted at the month, smooth when dry,
brown ; lid conical at base, short, obtusely beaked ; teeth 2-3-
cleft to the middle or cribrose below, purple, spreading when
dry; annulus large.—Wern. Trans, iv. 87, t. 6, and Scot.
Crypt. FI. t. 284 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 257.
Hab. On flat dry sandstone rocks, in large patches ; common in the
southern and middle sections, and in California.
* * Calyptra cucidlate': flowers dioecious.
25. G. c om m u ta ta , Hueben. Tufts loose, blackish green ;
stems slender, long, decumbent and naked below when old :
lower leaves very small, lanceolate, loosely imbricate, the upper
abruptly much longer and tnfted, open, curving up from the
middle, concave at base, nearly tubulose above, with a short
nearly smooth hair ; perichætial leaves broader, pale, the inner
broadly sheathing, linear-lanceolate above, with a longer
pellucid hair : calyptra descending to the middle : capsule included,
broadly oval, thick ; lid acuminate from the conical
base, or short-beaked, acute ; teeth 2-3-cleft to below the middle,
or nearly entire and lacunose, purple, spreading when dry;
annulus very broad, dehiscent. — Muscol. Germ. 185; Bryol.
Eur. t. 256. Bryptodon ovatus, Brid. Bryol. Univ. i. 202.
Guembelia ovalis, Muell. Syn. i. 774.
Ha b . California (Rif/eïoiü), and Monterey {TUaison); Chippewa Falls,
Wisconsin [Lapham).
26. G. m o n ta n a , Bruch & Schimp. In short compact
tufts, similar in aspect to O. ovata ; tufts smaller : leaves ovate-
oblong at base, lanceolate above and passing into a pellucid
hair variable in length, very concave, plane or erect on the
borders : capsule oblong, brown, thin, suhexserted upon a short
straight or slightly flexuous pedicel ; lid short-beaked ; teeth
short, irregularly split, cribrose above, spreading-recurved when
dry ; annulus none. — Bryol. Eur. t. 250. Guembelia montana,
Hampe, Bot. Zeit. iv. 125.
Var. b ra ch y o d o n . Tufts smaller: leaves with a shorter
hair-point : lid shorter, broadly conical, mamillate or with a
short obtuse beak. — G. brachyodon, Austin, Bull. Torr. Club,
vi. 45.
Var. tru n c a ta . Capsule ovate-globose; lid short-conical;
teeth truncate. — G. Jamesii, Austin, 1. o. 43 ; Watson, Bot.