129. H. h isp id u lum , Brid. Monoecious : plants small, interlaced
ill dense bright green tufts, yellowish below; stems
prostrate, radiculose, irregularly suhpinnately ramulose; the
branchlets slender, erect or expanded; leaves loose, horizontal
or squarrose-retlexed, soft, rouiid-deltoid, acuminate, decurrent
at base, sliglitly concave, subserrulate all around ; costa double,
very short or noue ; -cells of the basilar angles numerous, subquadrate,
granulose ; perichætial leaves whitish, ohlong and
long-acumiiiate, reflexed at the apex: capsule small, oblong,
more or less incurved, witli a wide orifice, yellowish brown ;
pedicel comparatively long (2 c.m.), pale yellow; operculum
convex-conical, apiculate and curved upward ; cilia appendiculate,
nearly as long as the slightly cleft segments ; annulus
simple.—Muse. Recent. Suppl. ii. 198; Sulliv. Mosses of U.
States, 77, and Icon. Muse. 193, t. 119. JI. JIallei-i, var. (?),
Hook. & Wils. iu Drumm. Muse. Amer. (coll. II.), n. 1-17.
II. stellatum, var. hispidulum, Brid. Bryol. Univ. ii. 603.
Campylium hispidulum. Mitt. Journ. Linn. Soo. xii. 631.
H a b . Roots of trees and bushes, near th e ground in swampy places.
130. H. ch ry so p h y llum , Brid. Dioe.cious : in loose intricate
dirty or yellowisli green tufts ; stems long, slender, prostrate,
flexuous, pinnately ramulose, the branchlets erect ; leaves
close, reflexed-squarrulose from an erect concave base, entire;
costa simple, narrow, ascending to above the middle; outer
perichætial leaves squarrose, the inner erect ; capsule long-
pedicellate, cylindrical-ohlong, incurved, pale orange ; cilia
stout, nearly as long as the entire segments; annnlus large,
compound. — Muse. Recent, iii. 84, t. 2, fig. 2. II. polymorphum,
Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 583, not Hedw.;
Sulliv. Mosses of U. States, 77.
Var. tenellum. Plants smaller; leaves less squarrose,
glossy, more distant, narrower, longer and more narrowly acuminate,
longer areolate.—II. Bergenense, Aust. Muso. Appal,
n. 391.
. H a b . On the ground, roots of trees, and decaying trunks; plains and
The species is very variable and some of its forms closely resemble
H. Sommerfeltii, Myrin, which is a much smaller moss, with serrulate
leaves. H. Bergenense, Aust., at first figured by Sullivant as a species
for the Supplement of the leones, was later considered by him as a variety
of this species.
181. H. s te lla tum , Schreb. Dioeoious: plants robust,
erect or prostrate, in deej) loose intricate brown or yellow tufts ;
stem subdiohotomous, fastigiate, scarcely radiculose: leaves
close, squarrose, subdecurrent, flattish, very entire, glossy,
marked at base with two short yellowish striæ instead of costa ;
areolation very narrow, enlarged and rectangular at the basal
angles ; perichætium short, the lower leaves recurved from the
middle, the upper erect, plicate lengthwise, gradually narrowed
into a long filiform point : male plant smaller and less divided
tlian the fertile: capsule incurved, cernuous, obloiig or subcylindrical,
brown, sulcate and constricted under the oi'ifice
when empty ; operculum highly convex-aoumiuate ; teeth
orange at base, yellowish above ; segments slightly cleft ; cilia
two, nearly as long as the segments ; annulus broad, compound.
— Spicil. El. Lips. 92; Bryol. Eur. t. 584. Amblgstegium
stellatum, Liudb.
Var. p ro te n s um , Bruch & Schimp. 1. c. Stem drooping,
much branched and densely ramulose, in dense yellowish green
tufts : leaves shorter.
H a b . B o g g y prairies and swamps; rare in fruit. Found in fruit near
Lancaster, Pennsylvania (T. C. Porter). The variety at Little Falls, New
York; Canada [Macoun).
132. H. p o ly g am um , Wils. Closely related to the last,
differing in its less robust plants iu shorter greenish brown tufts,
the leaves less crowded and less squarrose, narrower and comparatively
longer, ovate or oblong at base, gradually narrowed
into a long subulate point, narrowly costate to below the point,
and the areolation looser: perichætium radiculose below, the
flowers fertile and hisexnal, aggregated at its base. — Bryol.
Brit. 365 ; Schimp. Coroll. 131. Amblgstegium polygamum,
Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 572. II. stellatum, Drumm.
Muso. Amer. n. 184, in part.
Ha b . British America (Drummond); swamps around Closter, New
Jersey (Austin); Chelsea, Massachusetts (James).
Plants with few branches, rootless, long, suhpinnately ramulose,
more or less hooked-curved. Leaves falcate-secund, fili-
formly acuminate, simply costate, of firm texture ; areolation
narrow, linear, enlarged toward the base and generally inflated