pedicellate, narrowed to a distinct colluin ; operculum conical,
acute or short-rostellate ; teetli pale yellow ; segments slightly
cleft along the keel ; cilia single, very short; ammlus simple.—
Syn. ii. 408; Sulliv. Icon. Muso. 201, t. 123. Ilypnum serpens,
var. compactum, Drumm. Muse. Amer. n. 188. Stereodon com-
pactus, Mitt. 1. 0.
H a e . On decayed wood; Britisii America {Drummond); Fort Colville
(Lyall); Nevada (Watson); Ontario, Canada (Macoun).
Amblystegium serratum, Bruch & Scliimp. (Bryol. Eur. Amblystegium,
11; Sulliv. Mosses of IT. States, 78), probably belongs to this species.
126. H. L e scu rii, Sulliv. Tufts loose, dark green or black ;
stems prostrate, defoliate at base, irregularly branching and
ramulose ; branchlets close, unequal : leaves loosely imbricate,
erect-spreading, thick, opaque, serrulate all around the borders,
those of the stem broadly ovate-cordate, abruptly sliort-acumi-
nate, those of the branches narrower and ovate-latioeolate, all
concave with a yellowish border formed of 4 or 5 rows of flexuous
linear cells; costa very thick, vanishing in the apex ; cells
hexagonal-oblong, chlorophyllose; perichætial leaves erect, oblong
lanceolate, cuspidate by the excurrent costa, striate lengthwise
: capsule oblong, cernuous or subincurved, short-necked ;
pedicel 1 to 3 c.m. long, reddish ; lid convex-conical, apiculate ;
teeth golden yellow, connate at base ; segments deliisceut along
the keel ; cilia two, stout, nearly as long as the segments ;
annulus large, compound.—Mosses of U. States, 79, and Icon.
Musc. 203, t. 24 ; Sulliv. & Lesq. Muse. Bor.-Amer. Exsicc. n. 350.
H a e . On moist rocks; first found at Tallulah Falls, Georgia (Lesquereux)
; afterwards in most of the Middle States, from Maine to Pennsylvania;
not common.
* * Plants loosely cespitose: leaves soft, decurrent ; areolation
rhombic-hexagonal, loose at base, rectangidar at the angles.
127. H. r ip a r ium , Linn. Growing in wide loose soft dirty
or yellowish green flat tufts; stems long, sometimes very long,
creeping or floating, flaccid, with few branches, irregularly
ramulose: leaves crowded or distant, generally distichous, sometimes
subsecund, shortly deourrent, broadly ovate or ohlong-
lanceolate or sagittate, excavate at the basilar angles, more or
less narrowly and long-acuminate, very entire, costate to above
the middle; areolation narrowly rhomhoidal, loosely quadrate
at the angles, with the primordial utricles very distinct, especially
at the base ; outer perichætial leaves spreading from the
middle, the inner longer, erect, narrowly acuminate and costate,
bistriate : capsule incurved, subhorizontal, oval or cylindrical-
ohlong, arcuate when dry, light brown, often of two colors;
operculum large, orange, conical-apiculate ; peristome large ;
teeth dark orange ; cilia two or three, appendiculate, as long as
the segments, which are entire or slightly cleft ; ammlus compound.—
Spec. PL 1129. Amblystegium riparium, Bruch &
Schimp. Bryol. Eur. t. 570, 571. Stereodon i-iparius. Mitt.
Var. ab b rev ia tum . Stems short : leaves small, more compact:
capsule shorter.
Var. flaccidum. Small ; stems filiform, very long ; branches
and branchlets flat, soft, divergent: leaves distant, sagittate-
lanceolate, long-acuminate ; pedicel short and capsule small.
Var. flu itan s. Stems and branches long, soft, dirty yellow :
leaves closely imbricated : rarely fertile.
II.AB. Stones, decayed wood, and roots of trees, in swamps and stagnant
water, especially var. flaccidum ; borders of streams, floating in
tlio mud, v&r. fluitans; very common on botli slopes of North America.
Only the more marked American forms of this polymorphous species
are given here. Its small states resemble II. serpens, larger it is much
like II. fluitans, and in streams it resembles Fontinalis biformis.
128. H. v a c illa n s . Plants intricate, closely cespitose;
stems procumbent, sparingly subpinnately branching ; stem-
leaves more distant, two-ranked, erect-spreading, narrowly
lanceolate-acuminate, those of the branches narrow, oblong-
lanceolate, acute or blunt at the apex ; costa stout, three-fourths
of the length of the leaves ; cells narrow, irregular at the apex,
broadly quadrate and pellucid at the angles : capsule suberect,
rugose ; operculum conical, obtuse ; cilia rugulose, shorter than
the segments ; annulus simple, narrow. — Amblystegium vacillans,
Sulliv. Icon. Muse. Suppl. 96, t. 72.
H a b . 4ATiite Mountains [Oakes).
Stems prostrate, with crowded ascending branches. Leaves
abruptly long-aouminate from a broad ovate base, subsquarrose,
scarcely costate ; areolation minute, linear, flexuous. Capsule
subarcuate, often of two colors; pedicel smooth. Operculum
convex-conic. — Campylium, Mitt.