1 ;
21. DIORANELLA, Schimp.
Plants generally small. Leaves smooth; cells of the loose
areolation slightly chloropliyllose, the upper oblong-hexagonal,
the lower long-rectangular. Flowers dioecious, rarely monoecious.
Capsule generally cernuous, sometimes striate. Peristome
large ; teeth regularly bifid, closely articulate, vertically striolate ;
segments filiform, minutely granulose.
* Leaves squarrose or spreading all around.
1. D. c risp a , Schimp. Monoecious : plants small, slender,
subcespitose : leaves square-ovate, half-sheathing at base, abruptly
long-subulate, minutely serrulate at the apex, spreading, flexuous,
críspate when dry : capsule without collum, erect, short-oval,
plicate-ribbed when dry ; lid long-subulate, erect or oblique,
crenulate at base ; annulus narrow. — Bryol. Eur. Coroll.
13 ; Braithw. Brit. Moss-Fl. i. 105, t. 15, D. Licranum crispum,
Hedw. Stirp. Muse. ii. 91, t. 33 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 55.
H a b . Near the Highlands, Rocky Mountains, British America (Drummond);
Galton Mountains (Lyall) ; McLeod Lake, Canada (Macoun).
2. D. G rev ille an a, Schimp. Monoecious : plants more
densely crowded and stronger : leaves enlarged and undulate at
the oblong base, abruptly long-lanceolate subulate, entire ;
perichætial leaves with a long tubulose sheathing base : capsule
cernuous, obovate or oval, obscurely striate, with a short strumose
collum ; lid subulate, shorter than in the last species ;
annulus none. — Bryol. Eur. Coroll. 13. Dicranum Schreberia-
num, Grev. Scot. Crypt, t. 116 ; Hook. & Wils., Drumm. Muso.
Am. n. 97. Dicranum Grevilleanum, Bryol. Eur. t. 54. Ani-
sothecium Grevillei, Lindb. TJtk. Nat. Grupp. Eur. Bladm. 33 ;
Braithw. 1. c. 113, t. 16, D.
H a b . Alpine stations in British America (Drummond).
It is not certain that this species has been found in America. According
to Schimper, n. 97 of Drummond’s Mosses represents it, hut an examination
of the specimens given in three different sets under this number
shows that they all represent D. Schreberi.
3. D. Schreberi, Schimp. In size and aspect this species
is like the preceding, from which it differs in its dioecious inflorescence,
the leaves shorter, carinate above, not as abruptly
and narrowly subulate, serrulate toward the apex, and in the
shorter less distinct collum of the smooth (not striate) capsule.
Bryol. Eur. Coroll. 13. Dicranum Schreberi, Swartz.;
Hedw. Sp. Muso. 144, t. 33 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 53. Anisothecium
crispum, Lindb. ; Braithw. 1. c., t. 16, E.
Var. o c c id en ta lis, Aust. Leaves often very entire ; cells
half as broad. — Bull. Torr. Club, vi. 344.
Hae. Hills in the Adirondack Mountains (Lesquereux) ; White Mountains
of New England, and clay ditches near Lancaster, Pennsylvania
(James); the variety near Portland, Oregon (Neviiis).
4. D. s q u a r ro s a , Schimp. Dioecious : plants robust, cespitose,
radiculose, yellowish or dark-green : leaves enlarged, and
sheathing at the oblong base, lanceolate, concave, divaricate-
squarrose from the middle, blunt at the crenulate apex : capsule
obovate or oblong-ovate, cernuous, with a short distinct collum
or none ; lid long-conical or short-beaked ; annulus none. Bryol.
Eur. Coroll. 13. Dicranum squarrosum, Sclirad. Journ. Bot.
v. 68 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 52. Anisothecium squarrosum Lindb. ;
Braithw. 1. c. 114, t. 16, F.
Hab. Alaska (Harrington).
* * Leaves secund or subsecund. Flowers dicecious.
5. D. c e rv ic u la ta , Schimp. Densely and widely cespitose,
bright green ; stems short, 1 cent, long : leaves half-clasping at
base, flexuous, spreading or secund, lanceolate-subulate, concave,
entire, glossy ; costa flat, percurrent, enlarged at base :
capsule light brown, broadly ovate, gibbous with a short stru--
mose collum; pedicel slender, yellow; annulus very narrow, persistent
; lid long subulate-rostrate. —■ Bryol. Eur. Coroll. 13 ;
Braith. 1. o. 109, t. 16, A. Dicranum cerviculatum, Hedw.
Muse. Frond, iii. 89, t. 37 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 56 ; Sulliv. Mosses
of U. States, 21.
Hab. Upon peat, on the sides of ditches in cranberry marshes of
Nortliern Ohio (Lesquereux); White Mountains (James).
6. D. v a r ia , Schimp. Gregarious or cespitose ; plants
short : leaves erecLspreading or turned to one side, oblong at
base, gradually lanceolate-subulate, carinate, entire or slightly
denticulate at the apex ; costa percurrent : capsule reddish-
brown, cernuous, oblong-ovate, with a short indistinct collum,
constricted under the orifice when dry ; lid large, short-beaked ;
peristome large, dark red, the teeth connivent at the apex
into a cone ; annulus none. — Bryol. Eur. Coroll. 13. Dicrat