thick columell.a; teeth short, truncate, bifid or perforate along
tlie divisural line, yellow. — Edinb. Mem. Wern. Soc. iii. 121;
Bryol. Eur. t. 281. Systylium splachnoides, Hornsch., Regensb.
Flora (1820), ill. 180.
IIab. Twin Lakes, Colorado; Oregon (Downie).
2. D. P roelichianus, Grev. & Am. 1. c. In loose tufts:
leaves oblong and lingulate, obtuse or blunt at the apex, concave,
gradually larger and loosely imbricate from the base of
the stems to the top, pale green, very th in : male and female
flowers on separate innovations or bisexual: capsule erect or sub-
cernuons, ohovate-pyrlform with a collum as long as the sporangium,
dark orange, becoming spherical and compressed when
deoperculate; pedicel c.m. long, twisted to the left when
d ry ; lid conical, obtuse ; columella contracted into the capsule
; teeth linear-lanceolate, approximate in pairs. — Bryol.
Eur. t. 282. Splachnum Froelichianum, Hedw. Muse. Frond,
iii. 99, t. 40.
Hab. Rocky Mountains (Drummond, F. Hall).
3. D. splaclinoid.es, Grev. & Am. 1. c. Plants large, in
loose tufts, green above, blackish within: leaves gradually
larger upward from the base of the innovations, oblong or
obovate or Ungulate : capsnle long-pedicellate, erect, oval, with
an inflated collum perforated with stomata, orange-colored,
globose-tnrhinate when dry and empty; lid convex-conical,
obtuse, often persistent upon the columella; teeth long, linear-
lanceolate, yellow, equidistant. — Bryol. Eur. t. 283. Weisia
splachnoides, Schwaegr. Suppl. i. 63, t. 17. Eremodon splachnoides,
Brid. Bryol. Univ. i. 234. Weisia turhinata, Drumm.
Muse. Amer. n. 64.
IIab. Marshy spots near York Factory (Drummond).
6 7 . TAYLORIA, Hook.
Plants in loose tufts, dichotomous by innovations, radiculose.
Leaves open, erect, spatulate, sharply acuminate, coarsely and
obtusely dentate above. Teeth of the peristome 16, attached
far below the orifice, entire or bifid, linear-lanceolate oi- loricate,
very long and hygrosoopical, connivent when moistened, reflexed
and appressed to the capsule or oircinate-pendent when
dry. Spores very small, green or yellow.
1. T. serrata, Bruch & Schimp. Tufts bright green;
fertile stems curved down at base: leaves long, spatulate, acuminate,
recurved at the apex ; costa vanishing below the apex:
capsule reddish brown, erect, with a long inflated collum;
pedicel long, reddish, often geniculate at base; columella included
; lid short, conical-obtuse. — Bryol. Eur. t. 284, 285.
Splachnum serratum, Hedw. Spec. Muso. 53, t. 8.
Var. fla g ella ris, Bmoh & Schimp. Branches slender,
ascending higher than the subcernuous capsule. — *^/ac/wzMm
flagellare, Brid. Bryol. Univ. i. 247.
IIab. Fort Colville (Lyall)-, Oregon; Alaska (Kellogg, Bischoff).
T. T E N U IS , Schimp. (Syn. ed. 2, 360), long considered hy European authors
as a variety of the last, has been sent to Schimper from Greenland.
It differs in being more slender, softer, and more loosely cespitose; leaves
broadly spatulate, shortly acuminate, very thin, and more loosely areolate;
capsule smaller, with a broad orifice; pedicel more slender; columella long-
exserted; teeth dark purple; spores nearly twice larger and hyaline.
2. T. sp la ch n o id e s, Hook. Gregarious or irregularly and
loosely cespitose; stems soft, much divided: leaves flaccid,
longer than in tlie preceding species, long-spatulate, lanceolate-
acuminate, nneqnally and coarsely dentate to the middle : male
buds of three leaves, terminal on long distantly foliate branch-
Icts: capsule erect or subcernuous, elliptical-oblong, soft, greenish
yellow when filled, contracted to a narrow cylindrical neck,
the whole reduced to half its length when d ry ; pedicel very
long, pale re d ; lid conical, variable in length, capping the persistent
columella; teeth very long, thong-shaped, purple and
cleft their whole length with age, involute under the orifice of
the capsule when moist, reflexed, sinnous and twisted when
dry, flexible when breathed upon. —■ Quart. Journ. Sci. ii.
144, and Muse. Exot. t. 173 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 286. Hookeria
splachnoides, Schleich.; Schwaegr. Suppl. i. 2. 340, t. 100.
Hab. Rocky Mountains of British America (Drummond) ; AVest Humboldt
Mountains, Nevada (Watson).
2. Calyptra very small, conical, cucullate: apophysis discolored
with age, ohovate, conical or umbrella-form.
6 8 . TETRAPLODON, Bruch & Schimp. (PL 4.)
Plants densely cespitose, pulvinate, perennial; tnfts mixed
with a radiculose tomentum. Leaves oblong, ovate or obovate
i . !l