upper leaves tufted, erect, oblong, short-pointed, concave, very
entire; areolation more compact; costa suhoontinuous: capsule
erect, ohlong or obovate, symmetrical, gradually narrowing to
the short collum; pedicel short, straight, twisted to the left; lid
convex, subcouical. — Muso. Bor.-Amer. Exsicc. (ed. 2), n. 238;
Sulliv. Icon. Muse. Suppl. 29, t. 18.
IlAE. Clay soil; Auburn, Ukiab, etc., California (Bolander); Oregon
* * Annulus lai-ge, revolute.
6. P. co n v o lu ta , Hampe. Plants short, loosely cespitose:
outer leaves spreading, with borders involute, the inner convolute,
and infolding the pedicel, ohlong-ovate, acute, entire;
costa percurrent: capsule obliquely pyriform, more or less
plicate; pedicel rather long; lid umhonate, acute. — Linnsea,
xxx. 455.
Hab. Sierra Nevada, California (J. A. Bauer).
According to tlie autlior tliis species resembles F. calvescens, Schwaegr.,
differing in its sliorter leaves witli a smaller areolation, tlie lid prominently
umhonate (not flat), and the teeth yellowisli, not blackisli.
7. P. flav ic an s, Michx. Plants soft, loosely cespitose:
stem-leaves distant, very small; upper leaves tufted, large, very
soft and loosely areolate, oblong-spatulate or obovate, entire;
costa percurrent: capsule curved downward or horizontal, pyriform,
gradually attenuated to a very long pedicel; lid planoconvex,
subapiculate. — FL Bor.-Am. ii. 303; Sulliv. Mosses of
U. States, 50, and Icon. Mnsc. 87, t. 53.
H ab. Moist sandy and clayey ground; Middle and Soutliern States.
It differs from F. hygrometrica in tlie pale color of the plants, especially
of the capsule, the leaves more abruptly narrowed into a long flexuous
point, the mouth of the capsule more enlarged and less oblique, and
the spores larger.
8. P. h y g rom e tric a , Sibth. Plants variable in size,
simple or divided from the base: comal leaves erect, pressed
together, rarely open, ohlong-ovate, short-pointed, entire, oostate
to the apex: capsule arched and turgid on the upper side,
pyriform, coriaceous, reddish, deeply furrowed; pedicel very
long, flexuous; lid convex. — FL Oxon. 288; Bryol. Eur. t. 305.
Mnium hygrometricum, Linn. Sp. PL 1110.
Var. calve scens, Bruch & Schimp. Leaves open-spreading,
the comal flexuous on the borders, twisted when dry. — F.
calvescens, Schwaegr. Suppl. i. 2. 77, t. 65.
Var. p a tu la , Bruch & Schimp. Comal leaves narrower,
spreading ; costa percurrent. — F . Ravenelii, Aust., Coult. Bot.
Gaz. i. 29.
Hab. Bare ground, moist sand and rocks; very common. The varieties
mostly in the Southern States.
9. P. m ic ro stom a , Bruch & Schimp. Differs from the
last in its smaller size, the capsule pyriform, more turgid and
thicker, dark brown and shining, the lid much smaller and
mamillate, the internal peristome very imperfect, and the spores
twice as Large. — Bryol. Eur. t. 306.
Hab. Moist gravelly ground; Soda Springs on the Upper Tuolumne,
California (Bolander); Illinois (Patterson, Schneck).
Plants perennial, dichotomous or branching by suhfloral
innovations. Leaves varying from ovate-lanceolate to subulate,
costate, papillose on both faces ; areolation minute and quadrate
above, loose and hexagonal-rectangular at base. Flowers
bisexual, monoecious or dioecious, the male generally discoid in
the dioeoious species. Calyptra small, cucullate, very fugacious.
Capsule spherical or nearly so, without collum or with an indistinct
one, cernuous or rarely erect, plaited-striate when dry or
rarely smooth. Lid small, muticous. Peristome none or simple
or more generally double with the segments of the inner
membrane split into two diverging parts; cilia none or simple
and more or less distinct. Annulus none.
75. BARTRAMIA, Hedw. (PL 3.)
Stems erect and dichotomous, radieulose-tomentose below.
Leaves opaque, yellowish green, half-olasping or subdecurrent
at base, serrate at the apex ; costa round, vanishing with the
apex or passing above it into a point hispid on the back.
Capsule globose or broadly ovate ; lid small, convex or obtusely
pointed. Teeth of the outer peristome attached to the basilar
membrane passing above the orifice, lanceolate, transversely
articulate, lamellate inside, marked on the back hy a dividing
line. Spores minute, hispid, yellowish brown.