to a blunt apex, concave, recurved on the borders, strongly
costate nearly to the apex ; areolation opaque, round ; inner
perichætial leaves long-sheathing, loosely areolate, costate :
capsule erect, oblong or narrowly elliptical, slightly arched, thin,
reddish brown when old ; pedicel to 2 c.m. long; lid conical,
blunt at the apex ; teeth linear-lanceolate, distantly articulate ;
segments shortei-, linear, slender, keeled, and cleft between the
articulations. — Spec. Muse. 223, t. 57 ; Sulliv. Icon. Muse. 123,
t. 77. L . nervosa, Sulliv. Muse. Allegh. n. 69. L . microcarpa,
Schimp. ; Sulliv. Mosses of U. States, 59.
H a b . ■ On the roots and lower portions of the trunks of trees in low
ground, and readied by inundations; common and variable.
3. L. n e rv o sa , Myrin. Dioecious : plants in dense dark
green or brownish mats ; stems pinnately divided into crowded
ramulose branches, either short and erect or long and creeping :
leaves close, open when moist, imbricate when dry, often turned
to one side, narrowly lanceolate or acuminate from an ovate
base, phano-concave in the middle, reflexed on the borders ; costa
solid, percurrent ; cells of the areolation small, round-oval,
transversely quadrangular at the basilar borders; inner perichætial
leaves long-sheathing, long-acuminate : capsule oblong-
cylindrical, regular, brown ; operculum narrowly conical or
short-beaked; peristome short; outer teeth linear-lanceolate,
whitish; segments short, subulate, irregular; annulus narrow.
— Coroll. FL Ups. 52; Bryol. Eur. t. 472; Sulliv. Mosses of
U. States, 105. Pterogonium nervosum, Schwaegr. Suppl.
i. 102, t. 28.
H a b . Trunks of trees; White Mountains, generally sterile; Crawford
Notch, fruiting (James); rare.
4. L. d e n tic u la ta , Sulliv, Dioecious : plants in small loose
light green tufts ; stems short, creeping, irregularly branching,
radiculose: leaves close, appressed, open, erect or subsecund,
ovate-lanceolate, narrowly short-acuminate, minutely denticulate
all around, concave, ecostate, pellucid ; ai-eolation narrowly oblong,
the basilar broader and shorter: male plants unknown:
capsule oval-oblong, suberect, short-pedicelled ; operculum short-
rostrate from a broad highly convex or conical base; teeth
linear-lanceolate, distantly articulate ; segments nearly as long
and as broad as the teeth, carinate, cleft between the articulations
; cilia none; annulus none. — Muse. Allegh. n. 62, Mosses
of U. States, 59, and Icon. Muso. 125, t. 78 ; Sulliv. & Lesq.
Muse. Bor.-Amer. Exsicc. n. 245. Hypnum fabroniæfolium,
Muell. Syn. ii. 271.
H a e . Base of trees. Middle and Southern States; rare in fruit.
5. L. t r i s t i s , Cesat. Plants widely cespitose, loosely intricate,
dirty green ; stems slender, prostrate or pendent, blanching
and’ irregularly or pinnately ramulose; branchlets erect or
curved, filiform : leaves very brittle, squarrose when moistened,
narrowly lingulate, obtuse or short-apiculate from a broad sub-
erect clasping base, crenulate on the margins by large protuberant
cells ; surface verruculose ; costa slender, vanishing at
the middle; upper areolation irregularly round-hexagonal,
oblong-rectangular in the middle toward the base, transversely
hexagonal near the borders; fruit unknown.— DeNot. Syll. 67.
P.. fragilis. Hook. Æ Wils. in Drumm. Muso. Amer. (Coll. II.),
n. 101; Sulliv. Muse. Allegh. n. 71. Anomodon (I) tristis,
Sulliv. Mosses of U. States, 58.
H a b . Common on trees in wooded swamps and along rivulets, particularly
on Hornbeam.
6. L. A u s tin i, Sulliv. Monoecious ; plants of medium size,
intrioate-cespitose ; stems irregularly divided into very unequal
branches: leaves spreading or subsquarrose when moistened,
ovate, long and narrowly acuminate, entire, costate to above the
middle, papillose on both faces ; cells thick, round-quadrate near
the basal border, longer, rhomhoidal-elliptical above ; perichætial
leaves longer, lanceolate-acuminate : capsule erect, cylindri-
cal-oval, with a small orifice; teeth comparatively short, broadly
lanceolate, attached far below the orifice, papillose on both
faces, opaque ; inner membrane yellowish brown, scarcely passing
above the orifice of the capsule, undivided ; lid short-conical ;
annulus n o n e . — Icon. Muse. Suppl. 81, t. 61.
H a b . Stone walls. New Jersey (Austin); trunks of trees, Illinois
^Lhe'generic position of this species is still uncertain, related as it is in
some characters to Leskea, in others to Habrodon.
7. L. p u lv in a ta , Wahl. Synoecious ; plants soft, oespitu-
lose, irregularly ramose and ramulose : leaves ovate-lanceolate,
slightly unequilateral, very entire, obsoletely costate, soft and
smooth ; areolation loose, rhomboidal-quadrate at the angles and
margins, chlorophyllose; perichætial leaves ecostate, longer,
half-sheathing, with a narrower areolation : calyptra whitish.