IlAB. Shaded banks, on humus; roots of trees. Very rare in fruit.
Schimper says (Syn. ed. 2, 487), that fruiting specimens of M. Blytlii,
found by Dr. Kiær in Dovrefield, Norway, oblige him to unite tliat species
to M. stellare, from which it differs merely iu its more compact tufts and
higher stems.
17. M., Ilueben. Dioeoious : plants large,
loosely cespitose, bright green and shining when young, blackish
when old, the sterile branches with larger leaves ; steins dark
brown : leaves remote, large, the lower inserted only hy the
dilated base of tlie costa, round-ovate or exactly oblong, the
upper and comal broadly lingulate, rounded and sliglitly emarginate
at the apex or shortly apiculate, deeply undulate ; outer
perichætial leaves spatulate, the inner small and lanceolate ;
costa gradually narrower upward, vanishing below the apex ; all
the leaves thin, subscarious, soft, scarcely changed when dry ;
areolation obliquely oval, loose : capsule on a long slender
pedicel, abruptly pendent, ovate; lid convex, apiculate or acuminate.
— Muse. Germ. 416 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 402.
Hab. Bogs, in New England (Eaton, Ingraham, James).
* * * * Leaves margined, very entire.
L id rostrate.
18. M. p u n c ta tum , Hedw. Dioecious: plants in loose
dark or yellowish green tufts ; stems rigid, covered up to the
fruit-hearing apex with dark brown rootlets : branch- and stem-
leaves remote, open or reflexed, large, the lower round-ovate,
narrowed to the base, inserted by the enlarged costa ; the ujiper
rosulate, 4 to 6, broadly ovate-sjiatulate, surrounded hy a brown
hard thick margin, suhemarginate and apiculate at the summit ;
costa purplish, abruptly vanishing near the apex: male plants
more slender, with scarcely any stem-leaves: capsule oval,
mostly solitary, horizontally inclined, green when ripe ; lid
acutely beaked. — Spec. Muse. 193 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 387.
Hae. Cold springs and borders of brooks, on mountains; rarely
Besides var. elatum, Bruch & Schimp., whose robust stems are 12 to 15
c.m. long, local varieties are often noted. Specimens from Alaska liave
the leaves bordered hy a thick broad dark orange margin.
19. M. subglobosum, Bruch & Schimp. Synoecious :
appearing at first sight like a more compact form of M. punctatum,
with slender densely tomentose yellowish brown stems
and small leaves, hut differing essentially in its bisexual flowers
and in its broadly obovate leaves, not emarginate nor apiculate
at the apex, the margins broader, not thicker, and uniform in
color ; the capsules (not yet ripe) are small, shorter, abruptly
pendent ; lid conical-beaked, straight, not very acute. — Bryol.
Eur. t. 388. M. pseudopunctatum, Bruch & Schimp., iu Lond.
Journ. Bot. ii. 669 (1843).
H a b . Swamps and wet places in woods; Northwestern America
(Drummond, fide Schimper).
20. M. h ym en o p h y llo id e s, Hueben. In soft loose pale
green tufts ; stems radiculose below, dark brown : lower leaves
round-ovate, the upper narrowed at base, shortly and obtusely
acuminate ; costa gradually thicker toward the base, vanisliing
below the apex ; branch-leaves distant, vertically exposed and
distichous, the young pale or yellowish green, the old brownish,
more solid, equally margined all around : fruit unknown. —
Muse. Germ. 416 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 399.
H a b . Trenton Falls, New York (James).
* * * * * Stems tree-like ; leaves dimorphous.
21. M. Menz ie sii, Muell. Dioecious : loosely cespitose ; stems
rigid, 6 to 10 c.m. long, tomentose at base, dividing at tlie summit
into numerous spreading simple branchlets covered with
distant appressed squamiform scarious lanceolate acuminate
whitish leaves, ciliate-dentate from the middle upward ; costa
vanishing below the apex ; branch-leaves ovate, lanceolate-acuminate,
simply serrate above, concave-plicate, the costa abruptly
spinose on the back, vanishing below the apex ; perichætial
leaves broadly oval, long-acuminate, serrulate at the apex :
pedicels long, generally clustered : capsule oval-cylindric, broadmouthed,
pendent ; peristome large, robust. ■— Syn. i. 177.
Bryum Menziesii, Hook. Bot. Misc. i. 36, t. 19. Ilypnum
acanthoneuron, Schwaegr. Suppl. iii. t. 258’’- Rhizogonium
acanthoneuron, Muell. Bot. Zeit. v. 803. Leucolepis acantho-
neura, Lindb. Mniac. Eur. 87.
Hab. Western coast of North America; not rare.
8 8 . CINCLIDIUM, Swartz.
Closely allied to Mnium, separated especially by the peculiar
structure of the peristome ; the outer composed of linear-
lanceolate obtuse teeth, transversely latticed and memhrana