Musc. i. 51, t. 32; Sulliv. & Lesq. Musc. Bor.-Am. Exsicc.
n. 114. Syrrhopodon excelsus, Sulliv. Musc. Allegh. n. 170.
Hab. Rocks on the top of Grandfather Mountain, North Carolina
(Gray & Sullivant); summit of Black Mountains, in same State, on
branches and rocks (Lesquereux).
5. A. cæ sp ito sum. Much like A. Mougeotii in size and
aspect, differing in the leaves erect at base, open and incurved
toward the apex, gradually acute, distantly serrulate, the basilar
cells oblong-rectangular, ovoid in the middle, round above. —
Didymodon coespitosus. Mitt. Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 18.
Ha b . Vancouver Island (Lyall).
54. DRUMMONDIA, Hook. (PL 2.)
In wide compressed tufts, the stems divided into long creeping
shoots with very short branches. Leaves crowded. Calyptra
large, cuculliform, originally conical, as in Schlotheimia. Teeth
of the peristome 16, short, truncate, entire, densely trabeculate,
smooth and thin.
1. D. c lav e lla ta , Hook. Tufts dark green, blackish inside;
stems prostrate, naked, radiculose on the lower side the
whole length ; branches numerous, short, erect, often prolonged
into long creeping shoots around the tufts : leaves ojien-erect,
ovate-lanceolate, blunt or acute, concave, firm, costate-sulcate
to near the ajiex; areolation dense, punctiform; perichætial
leaves similar : flowers dioecious, terminal or lateral by innovations:
calyptra inflated, somewhat plicate at base, reaching to
the base of the capsule : capsule terminal on short erect
branches, short-pedicelled, ovate-globose, microstome, thin,
quite smooth ; lid obliquely rostrate ; annulus none. — Drumm.
Muse. Amer. n. 62 ; Muell. Syn. i. 687 ; Sixlliv. Mosses of PT.
States, 32, and Icon. Muse. 52, t. 33. Alacromitrium, Schwaegr.
Gymnostomum prorepens, Hedw. Spec. Muso. 35, t. 3.
Hab. On trees; Northern and Middle States; common.
55. ULOTA, Mohr. (PL 2.)
Leaves long, lanceolate, flexuous, crispate and twisted when
dry ; cells at the middle of the concave base linear and chlorophyllose,
enlarged and hyaline on the borders. Flowers monoeclous,
the male gemmiforrn. Calyptra yellow, deeply split at
base, obtusely plicate, generally covered with long flexuous
yellowish hairs. Capsule exserted, narrowed into a long
collum, twisted to the left when dry. —• Weissia, Ehrh.
* Primary stems creeping: leaves scarcely crispate when dry.
1. U. Drummondii, Brid. Tufts yellowish green : leaves
linear-lanceolate from an ovate base, the comal longer: male
flowers axillary: calyptra somewhat hairy: capsule exserted on
a long pedicel, ov.ate-clavate or fusiform, obscurely 8-sulcate,
light brown, distinctly 8-costate to the base when old ; lid conical
acuminate, whitish at the apex, yellow at base; teeth 16,
whitish. — Bi-yol. Univ. i. 299. Orthotrichum Di-ummondii,
Grev. Scot. Crypt. P’l. t. 115; Bryol. Eur. t. 210. Weissia
Drummondii, Lindb. Muse. Soand. 28.
Hab. Canada (Drummond).
We have been unable to find this species in any of the sets of Drummond’s
mosses, though Scliimper mentions it as sent from Canada by
Di'uramond. Like tlie following it is distinct from all the other species
in its long creeping stems, and from U. I.udwigii in its more robust
habit, the form of the capsule, etc.
2. U. L u dw ig ii, Brid. Stems somewhat creeping or decumbent
: leaves linear-lanceolate, plane or slightly undulate on
the borders, open when moist, slightly twisted when d ry : capsule
clavate-pyriforra, thin, yellowish brown, abruptly contracted
and plicate at the orifice when deoperculate and d ry ; teeth
erect when dry, close, whitisli, with irregular fugacious fragments
of an internal membrane as cilia. — Muse. Recent. Suppl.
iv. 112 ; Schimp. Syn. 254. Orthotrichum Dudwigii, Brid. 1. c.
ii. 6; Schwaegr. Suppl. i. 2. 24, t. 51; Biyol. Eur. t. 225; Sulliv.
Mosses of U. States, 34. Weissia coarctata, Lindb. 1. c.
IIa b . Small trunks and branches of trees; common in mountainous
* * Leaves cirrate-crispate when dry.
3. U. cu rv ifo lia , Brid. 1. c. Tufts loose, yellowish brown
or black; stems erect from a decumbent base: leaves linear-
lanceolate, acutely carinate, plane on the borders, densely papillose
: calyptra deeply lobate, pale: capsule small, shorter-
pedicellate, ovate, striate, costate to the base when di-y; teeth
higeminate, separated to the middle, laounose at the apex; cilia