I; ii -ry
BRYACEÆ. [Uissideiis.
135, t. 39; Bryol. Eur. t. 104; Braitliw. 1. c. 77, t. 11, D.
Ilypnum taxifolium, Linn.
H ae. Shaded clayey ground in level districts; very common.
21. F. ad ian to id e s , Hedw. Plants 3 to 5 c.m. long,
branching by radiculose innovations from the base or the apex :
leaves numerous, close, imbricate at base, linear-oblong, abruptly
acuminate and sliglitly mucronate, plicate to the middle; dorsal
wing long, continuous, slightly decurrent at base ; borders pellucid,
irregularly serrulate : flowers short-pedicellate, attached
to the middle of the stems : capsule oval-oblong, reddish brown,
much constricted under the orifice when empty; lid long-
beaked.—-Muse. Frond. 61, t. 26 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 105; Braithw.
1. c. 78, t. 12, B. Hypnum adiantoides, Linn.
Var. im m a rg in a tu s , Lindb. Leaves without a pellucid
H ab. Shady moist ground, wet rocks, roots of trees, etc., mostly in
the plains; common. The variety at Boundary Lake, Canada (Rau).
* * it * Flowers dioecious or unknown.
22. F. su b b a s ila ris , Hedw. Plants widely cespitose, 1 or
2 c.m. long, green above, brown and tomentose below: leaves
12 to 15 pairs, close, oblong, short-pointed, plicate to above the
middle, serrulate, not margined ; dorsal wing broad, rounded at
the base ; costa vanishing below the more deeply serrulate apex :
fruiting buds rarely pedicellate, attached near the base, radiculose
; male flowers unknown : calyptra cucullate, narrow : capsule
oblong or cylindric-oval, erect, subcernuous, scarcely emerging
above the stems on its short pedicel ; lid long-beaked. —
Spec. Miiso. 155, t. 39; Sulliv. Muso. Allegh. n. 184, Mosses of
U. States, 25, and Icon. Muse. 41, t. 26.
Ha b . Trunks of trees, sometimes in dense tufts; Northern and Middle
23. F. polypod.ioid.es, Hedw. Plants of large size, gregarious,
radiculose at base, yellowish green, glossy, mostly
simple, rigid : leaves numerous, linear-oblong, abruptly rounded
to a blunt point, entire, not margined, plicate to above the
middle; dorsal wing continuous, rounded to the base; costa
thick, nearly percurrent : cells of the areolation irregularly
round, pellucid : flowers dioecious, the fertile attached to the
upper part of the stems, the male axillary nearer to the base, in
separate plants : capsule on a short flexuous pedicel, obovate,
Conomitrium.] BRYACEÆ. 89
subpyriform, gradually much enlarged at the orifice; lid rostrate
from a hemispherical base ; teeth broad and long ; annulus
large, revoluble.—Muso. Frond, iii. 63, t. 27 ; Sulliv. & Lesq.
Muse. Bor.-Am. (ed. 1), n. 27 ; Sulliv. Icon. Muso. 43, t. 27 ;
Mitten, Journ. Linn. Soc. xii. 585.
H a b . Louisiana {Drummond); Florida {Chapman); moist rocks,
Georgia {Lesquereux) ; sterile.
24. F. g r a n d if ro n s , Brid. Plants large, dark green, fas-
ciculate-branching from the base, rigid or pendent; branches
short, radiculose : leaves numerous, equal throughout, thick,
composed of multiple layers of cells, with a thick costa
vanishing below the apex, rigid, entire, the borders of tlie auricles
only minutely crenulate : flowers axillary ; archegonia
numerous: fruit unknown. — Muso. Recent. Suppl. i. 170;
Bryol. Eur. t. 106.
H a b . Wet limestone rocks near waterfalls; abundant below Niagara
Falls; found also in California {Bolander), Nevada ( Watson), etc.
2 6 . CONOMITRIUM, Mont. (PI. 1.)
Plants slender, filiform, fasciculate-ramose, branching from
innovations the whole length of the stems, or from the base
only, floating. Leaves distant, linear-lanceolate, short-auriculate.
Flowers monoecious, terminal, on more or less elongated branoh-
lets, the male axillary ; fruits (cladogenous) on young shoots,
often numerous on the same plants. Calyptra minute, conical,
solid, covering only the beak of the lid. Capsule short-pedicellate,
fragile, erect, very small. Operculum conical-beaked.
Teeth laciniate or entire. Annulus none.
1. 0 . J u lia n um , Mont. Leaves long, the lamina ending
at the auricles and three times as long : male flowers sometimes
aggregate ; perigonium of two or three leaves : calyptra nearly
black, erose or lacerate at base : capsule oblong-ovate, greenish,
soft, red at the orifice, gradually narrowed to a short green
pedicel, very fragile at its base ; lid as long as the capsule ;
teeth short, irregularly laciniate or perforate above the middle,
yellowish at base, pellucid. — Ann. Soi. Nat. 2 ser. viii. 250.
Fontinalis Juliana, Savi. Octodiceras Julianum, Brid. Bryol.
Univ. 11. 678 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 108.
Ha b . On stones and branches in wooded creeks and swamps.