i'}i ii
S' i
teeth lanceolate-subulate, obscurely 20-22-articulate, scarcely
perforated on the divisural line, the inner generally destroyed
to near the base, appendiculate, closely articulate. — disticha,
Sulliv. & Lesq. Muso. Bor.-Amer. Exsicc. (ed. 2), n. 227. F.
disticha, var. tenuior, Sulliv. Icon. Muse. 103, t. 61.
I Ia b . Old bayous, AYestern Kentucky (Lesquereux).
A well marked species, generally confounded with F. disticha, but
readily distinguished by its slender delicate liabit and its long and narrow
10. F. d istic h a , Hook & Wils. Plants more robust than
in the last, more divided and diffuse, or pinnately branching
above: loaves more open, broader, concave, twisted at the
slightly serrulate apex; perichætial short and lacerate: male
flowers very numerous : fruits rare : capsule somewhat broader ;
teeth 12-lG-articulate ; the cilia transversely latticed from the
middle upward. — Drumm. Muse. Amer. (Coll. II.), n. 151;
Sulliv. Muse. Allegh. n. 190, Mosses of U. States, 54, and Icon.
Muso. 103, t. 63.
H a b . New Orleans (Drummond); Mobile (Sullivant).
11. F. h y p n o id e s, Hartm. Plants slender, with few
branches and short spreading branchlets : stem-leaves distant,
open, nearly flat, ovate-lanceolate, sharply long-acuminate,
narrowly lanceolate when young, loosely reticulate : capsule
very small, elliptical, thin, naked to the middle ; teeth narrow,
densely articulate, entire, purple ; cilia narrowly latticed, blood-
red.— Skand. FI. ed. 4, 434; Bryol. Eur. t. 482.
H a b . Colorado. Included in Rau & Ilervey’s Catalogue upon sterile
specimens sent to the authors by Brandegee.
101. D ICH E LYM A , Myrin. (PI. 4.)
Plants with distant subdistichous branches. Leaves narrow,
long lanceolate-subulate, falcate or complicate, narrowly costate ;
areolation rhomhoidal. Flowers dioecious ; pcriebætiuni very
long, the outer leaves imbricate, the upper convolute. Calyptra
dimidiate, descending to below the capsule and connate at
base, or short and cucullate. Capsnle long-pedicellate. Teeth
of the outer peristome long-linear, more or less densely articulated,
and splitting along the divisural line ; cilia longer than
the teeth, latticed above or appendiculate.
1. D. fa lc a tum , Myrin. Stems variable in length: leaves
close, three-ranked, falcate-secund, entire or nearly so, bright
green when young, then yellowish-glossy, blackish and opaque
when old ; costa subpercurrent ; inner perichætial leaves very
long, thong-shaped, twisted around the pedicel : calyptra closely
enfolding the pedicel under the capsule, split open on one side,
j/ale straw-color : capsule oval-ohlong, exserted on a slender
pedicel ; lid as long as the capsule, conical-acuminate ; inner
jieristome finely latticed, bright red. '— Svensk. Acad. Handl.
1832, 274, t. 6 ; Bryol. Eur. t. 433. Fontinalis falcata, Hedw.
Muse. Frond, iii. 57, t. 24.
I I a b . Swift mountain streams; AVhite Mountains. Catskills, Atliron-
dacks, etc.
2. D. u n c in a tum , Mitt. Leaves three-ranked, falcate-
secund, lanceolate, gradually narrowed to the denticulate apex,
complicate costate ; borders minutely serrulate from the middle
' upward ; outer perichætial leaves convolute, oblong, obtuse,
tlie inner longer, more acute : capsule exserted, on a short pedicel,
oval, subequal; lid as long as the capsule, subulate: inner
¡leristome entirely latticed, a little longer than the outer. —
Journ. Linn. Soc. viii, 44.
H a b . Fort Coivilie, AA''ashington Territory (Lyall).
Closely allied to D. falcatum, from wliich it differs in tlie more slender
and more distinctly pinnately branclied stems, and the more setaceous
leaves witli an excurrent costa, which is smootli beyond the serrulate
margins, and denticulate only at its apex'. The perichætial leaves are not
twisted, and tlie inner peristome is a perfectly cancellate cone, exceeding
the outer teeth by about one-fifUi of their lengtli. — (Mitten. )
3. D. c ap illac eum , Bruch & Schimp. Of the same size
as the last; branches disticlious, few, divaricate, or one-sided:
leaves secund, less falcate, oval-lanceolate at base, long-linear
above, acuminate by the exeurreiit costa, serrate at the apex,
dirty green ; perichætium very long, passing above the capsule;
liericliætial leaves linear, thin, ecostate, pale yellow, twisted :
capsule emerging from the side of the periohætium, small, thin,
pale, ovate, truncate after the falling off of the high conical-
lid ; teeth narrowly linear, densely papillose ; cilia nearly as
large, longer than the teeth, constricted at the articulations,
united only near the apex hy transverse divisions, papillose,
pale yellow. —' Bryol. Eur. t. 436. Fontinalis capillacea,
Dicks. Crypt. Fasc. ii. 1. Neckera capillacea, Muell. Syn. ii.