collum, oval, 8-sti-iate its whole length, 8-plioate when dry,
yellowish, gradually narrowing to the orifice when dry; teeth
8, linear-lanceolate, higeminate, entire or bifid at the apex, reflexed
when d ry ; cilia 8, a little shorter than the teeth. —
Coroll. 41. Orthotrichum Americanum, Beauv. Prodr. 80. O.
Ilutchinsice, Smith, Engl. Bot. t. 2523; Bryol. Eur. t. 226;
Sulliv. Mosses of U. States, 34. Weissia Americana, Lindb. 1. c.
Hab. On granite rocks in the mountains, common.
10. U. B a rc lay i, Mitt. Plants short, loosely cespitóse,
yellowish brown : leaves erect, open when moist, appressed
when dry, obovate, concave at base, lanceolate, acute or acuminate,
carinate, plane on the borders; costa vanishing below the
apex; upper cells angularly round, smooth, the lower oblong,
hyaline: calyptra conical, with a few short hairs: capsule
broadly oval, passing down to a long pedicel, thicker in the
upper part; teeth 8, bigeminate, with 15 or 16 articulations,
linear, punctulate; cilia 8, narrow, as long as the teeth.—
Joiu'n. Linn. Soo. viii. 26; Sulliv. Icon. Suppl. 75, t. 56.
H a b . Sitka (Barclay).
Similar to Orthotrichum Japonicum, Sulliv. & Lesq., in Rogers North
Pacif. Expl. Exped., and the two may represent varieties cf one species.
Plants pulvinate, rooting at base in the axils of the branches.
Leaves striate when d ry ; cells of the areolation round-hexagonal
or oval, more or less chlorophyllose, minutely papillose or
rarely smooth in the upper part, the lower larger, hexagonal-
rectangular, hyaline. Flowers generally monoecious, the male
in separate lateral buds. Calyptra campanulate-mitrate, split
and carinate-plicate at base, deeply sulcate at the apex, hairy or
naked. Capsule generally immersed, 8-16-striate, rarely smooth
when dry. Peristome simple or double, the outer of 8 bigeminate
or of 16 geminate teeth, the inner of 8 or 16 cilia. Annulus
none or very narrow. — Lorcadion, Adans., in Lindb. Syst.
# Plants o f medium size: leaves solid, striate: capsule more
or less exserted; peristome simple.
1. O. an om a lum , Hedw. Stems erect, mostly simple :
lower leaves distant, the upper densely crowded, open, ovatelanceolate,
revolnte on the borders, distinctly papillose ; basilar
areolation rectangular, the upper round-hexagonal: calyptra
dii-ty brown, hairy : capsule exserted on a comparatively long
pedicel, ovate-ohlong, indistinctly 16-striate, constricted in the
middle when d ry ; teeth light yellow, erect when d ry ; cilia
none or rudimentary. — Muse. Frond, ii. 102, t. 37; Bryol.
Eur. t. 210. 0. saxatile, Brid. Bryol. Univ. i. 275.
Hab. On limestone rocks; Niagara Falls; Salem, Mass.; Ontario,
Canada; Rocky Mountains, etc.; rare. A doubtful form from the
Waslioe Mountains, Nevada (Watson), with tliicker more papillose and
more revolnte leaves, closer areolation, and more pilose calyptra, is mentioned
by James (Bot. King Exp. 402; Bot. Calif, ii. 383).
2. O. leevigatum, Zett. Like the last in size and aspect,
differing in the very hairy calyptra, the capsule not striate and
perfectly smooth when dry, the teeth very papillose and more
closely articulate, with rudimentary cilia, and in the narrower
basal cells of the leaves. — Schimp. Bryol. Eur. Suppl. t. 2;
James, Bot. King Exp. 402.
r iA B . Pali-Ute Mountains, Western Nevada ( Watson).
3. O. c u p u la tum , Hoffm. Growing in more or less dense
tufts, of a dirty green or brownish color: leaves close, spreading
when moist, ohlong-lanceolate, reflexed on the borders;
cells very small toward the apex; calyptra campanulate, shorter
and broader than in 0. anomalum, slightly hairy, pale reddish
brown: capsule half-emergent, globose-ovate, short-necked, 16-
striate, the striaj more or less dark yellow and alternately short
and longer, 16-costate and urceolate when dry and empty;
lid pale yellow, deep orange at base, short, straight-beaked from
its convex base ; teeth 16, free to the base, pale yellow, sirread-
ing star-like when dry. — Deutschl. EL ii. 26; Bryol. Eur. t. 209.
Var. m in u s, Sulliv. Plants short, closely pulvinate, blackish
green: leaves more distinctly revolute on the borders, somewhat
narrower : capsule shorter. — Icon. Supj)!. 61, t. 44. 0.
Lescurii, Aust., Muso. Appal, n. 163, and Bull. Torr. Club, vi.
ar, P e c k ii, Stilliv. 1. c. Capsule suLovate, 8-striate: calyp-
tra distinctly hairy.— 0. Leckii, Aust., Muso. Appal, n. 162;
Peck, Rep. N. Y. Univ. (1873), xxv. 71. 0. cupidatum (?),
Drumm. Muse. Amer. (Coll. II.) n. 81.
Var. P o rte ri, Sulliv. 1. c. Capsule 8- (rarely 16-) striate,
longer-pedicellate. — 0. Porteri, Aust., 11. co., n. 161, and vi. 341.