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costa subpercurrent. Capsule cernuous. Operculum convex-
24. H. p a lu d o sum , Sulliv. Monoecious : plants yellowish
green; branchlets distichous, slender, unequal: leaves open-
erect, cordate-concave at base, lanceolate, acuminate, reflexed
on the borders, strongly costate to the denticulate apex, smooth
on both faces ; paraphyllia ciliate, numerous ; inner perichætial
leaves ohlong, gradually narrowed into a short slender ])oint,
plicate-striate lengthwise: capsule oblong-cylindrical, thicker
above, cernuous; operculum conical, apiculate, short; segments
cleft between the articulations ; cilia three, as long as the segments;
annulus large. — Muse. Allegh. n. 7, Mosses of Ü. States,
68, aud Icon. Muse. 157, t. 101.
H a b . Not rare in the cranberry marshes of Northern Ohio; Rhode
Island (Olney); Massachusetts (Russell); Vermont (Frost), etc.
This species so much resembles H. Blandovii tliat it has sometimes
been confounded with it. It differs in the paraphyllia less densely
crowded upon tlie stems, the leaves not papillose and not fringed at the
basal margin, the segments cleft, etc.
Plants loosely cespitose, intricate ; stems compressed ;
branches compressed or subterete, attenuated, irregularly pinnate.
Leaves erect, more or less open, very smooth ; cells of
the areolation elliptical, the alar quadrate-rhomboidal. Capsule
erect, cylindrioal, cernuous. Operculum conical. Flowers
25. H. leu co c lad u lum , Muell. Stems long, very slender,
filiform; lower branchlets shorter, brown by maceration, tlie
upper long, attenuate-filiform, subjulaceous ; stem-leaves close,
erect or open, small, exactly ovate from the decnrrent base,
obsoletely denticulate at the apex ; those of the branches oblong
and narrower, all very short, bicostate, concave, revolute at the
base, pale green ; inner perichætial leaves numerous, large,
sheathing at the broader base, short-acuminate, reflexed, the
upper all very slightly denticulate : calyptra glabrous : capsule
erect, small, cylindrical-oval, on a short very slender reddish
flexuous pedicel, slightly cernuous, reddish, glossy ; operculum
small, conical, acute ; annulus narrow ; teeth distinctly latticed ;
segments yellow, attached to a fragile scarious membrane, narrowly
lanceolate, split or disjointed, separated by solitary delicate
subnodose cilia. — Regensb. Flora, Ivili. 79 (1875).
H a b . Oakland, Oregon (Ilarvy).
26. H. com p re ssu lum , Muell. 1. c. Plants slender, bright
green, soft ; stems short, slender, distinctly compressed ; branchlets
short, very slender, irregularly piuuate, slightly compressed :
stem-leaves erect, more or less open, ovate or oblong-aouminate,
concave, slightly deourrent at base, distinctly denticulate all
around, bicostate; cells soft, very glossy; upper perichætial
leaves longer acuminate : capsule much longer, very narrowly
H a b . Oakland, Oregon (B. D. Nevius). .
S u b g e n u s VII. CAMPTOTHECIUM.
Plants yellow, glossy, cespitose ; stems pinnately ramulose.
Leaves crowded, erect, strict, subscarious, long-lanceolate,
gradually aouminate, deeply plicate lengthwise, narrowly costate
; areolation very narrow, linear or-vermicular, smooth,
the basal cells quadrate at the angles. Flowers dioecious ; male
buds often parasite upon female plants. Capsule ohlong or
oylindrioal, cernuous, arcuate when dry. Pedicel rough, except
in H. nitens. Peristome perfect ; membrane broad ; segments
as long as the teeth. —■ Camptothecium, Schimp.
27. H. lu te sc e n s, Huds. Stems rigid : leaves minutely
serrate at the apex, those of the branches narrower and sometimes
subsecund: capsule cernuous from above its erect collum,
oblong-cylindrical, more or less arcuate, dirty yellow; operculum
rostrate. — Flor. Angl. 42; Hedw. Muse. Frond, iv. 40,
t. 16. Camptothecium lutescens, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eur.
t. 558.
H a b . Alaska (Kellogg); Northwest coast (Douglas); Vancouver Island
(Lyall); Nictoria, Oregon (Bolander, Nevius); California (Coulter).
28. H. ænenm, Mitt. Leaves gradually lanceolate-acuminate
from the ovate base; costa vanishing below the apex;
borders reflexed, distantly serrulate; alar cells small, short,
obscure; perichætial leaves long, erect, broadly lanceolate,
abruptly acuminate-subulate, serrulate, ecostate : capsule in