r I Ml
r : 1
clined, curved ; segments cleft between the articulations ; cilia
three, as long as the segments ; membrane large, as in the last
species.—Journ. Linn. Soc. viii. 31, t. 5.
I Ia b . Bend d’Oreille Eiver, N. Idaho {Lyall) ; Fort Colville ( Watson).
From the author’s remarks this species has the same appearance as the
last, from which it is distinguished by the apical leaves of the lateral
brandies liaving tlieir points broad, somewhat acutate, and obtuse. The
peristome is more complete, the segments being separated by three lon<^
cilia. °
29. H. N u tta llii, Wils. Widely cespitose, yellowish brown;
stems Jirostrate, radiculose ; branchlets crowded, spreading or
homoinailous : leaves closely imbricate, narrowly oblong-lanceolate,
gradually acuminate, plicate-striate, coarsely dentate at the
recurved base, serrate above; costa vanishing in the apex;
inner perichætial leaves erect, long-lanceolate, narrowed into a
filiform point, striate: capsule long-cylindrical, suberect and
subarcuate, with a short distinct neck; pedicel very short and
rough, scarcely as long as the capsule ; operculum conical, short-
rostrate; segments split their whole length; cilia very short,
rudimentary; annulus narrow. — Bryol. Brit. 334, 339; Sulliv!
Icon. Muse. 211, t. 128. Gamptothecium NdtalUi, Bruch &
Schimp. Bryol. Eur. Oamptothecimn, 6. Leskea Oalifornica,
Ilampe, Lmnæa, xxx. 460 (1860).
H a b . On trees, AYestern coast of North America (Menzies); California,
Oregon, etc. (Bolander, Bauer, Nuttall, Bigelow, etc.); N. Idaho
( Watson) ; not common.
Easily recognized from its congeners by its long thick capsule, sliort
pedicel, shorter rostrate operculum, the densely pinnate ramification, and
the dentate base of the leaves.
30. H. NeAtadense, Lesq. Plants robust, loosely cespitose,
yellowish green; stems creeping; branchlets short and horizontal,
or longer, irregularly divided and arcuate : leaves secund,
lanceolate, gradually short-acuminate, minutely serrate at the
apex, carinate by the costa, deeply biplicate ; borders revolute
or recurved ; alar cells very few, irregularly quadrate ; capsule
erect or subcernuous, cylindrical-ovate, on a short reddish pedicel;
operculum long-rostrate; cilia very short and rudimentary
or none; annulus compound. — Mem. Calif. Acad. i. 33.
H a b . On rocks in the spray of Nevada and Bridal Veil Falls, Tose-
mite Valley (Bolander); Spokan Falls (Watson).
Distinguished from H. lutescens by its yellowish green color, the large
thick stems and branches, its distinctly pinnate ramification, the alar
areolation scarcely marked by a few oval cells, the large capsule, tbe inner
peristome without cilia, etc. The leaves are more regularly and deeply
plicate than in any other species of the subgenus.
31. H. pin n atifld um , Sulliv. & Lesq. Plants soft, widely
and loosely cespitose, bright or pale green ; stems slender, prostrate,
brittle, densely pinnately ramulose, rootless ; branchlets
short and flexuous, or longer and flagelliform : leaves ojien-erect,
densely imbricate, lanceolate, gradually subulate-acuminate, plicate,
revolute or reflexed on the borders, slightly denticulate at
the apex ; costa thick, ascending to above the middle ; cells of
the areolation linear-rhomboidal, the alar quadrate and minute ;
perichætial leaves imbricate at the sheathing oblong base, gradually
long-acuminate, ecostate: capsule thick, oblong or ohovate,
incurved on a short flexuous rough pedicel ; operculum
large, highly conical, constricted in the middle, mamillate ;
peristome normal; annnlus large.—Muso. Bor.-Amer. Exsicc.
(ed. 2), n. 513 ; Lesq. Mem. Calif. Acad. i. 33 ; Sulliv. Icon.
Muse. Suppl. 101, t. 77.
H a b . Shaded rocks in canons, California (Bolander).
32. H. a re n a rium , Lesq. Widely and loosely cespitose,
dirty yellow, irregularly branching ; stems slender ; branchlets
short and erect, or longer and filiform, attenuated, radiculose :
leaves erect, imbricate, lanceolate-acuminate, striate, serrulate,
reflexed on the margins ; costa stout, vanishing below the apex ;
cells of the areolation narrow, small, numerous, scarcely distinct,
the basilar round-ovate, covering the whole base of the
leaves ; outer perichætial leaves broadly ovate, short, witli a reflexed
point, the upper sheathing, abruptly narrowed into a filiform
serrulate erect or reflexed jfoint, coarsely dentate below it :
capsule small, cylindrical-ovate, cernuous ; pedicel long and
slender, rough toward the base, nearly smooth above ; ojjer-
culum large, obtusely conical, apiculate ; segments jjerforated ;
cilia one or two, short ; annulus compound, large, persistent. —
Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. xiii. 13.
H a b . Covering sand around bushes near San Francisco, California
Easily distinguished from the following by its slender form, the short
curved capsule, etc.
33. H. n iten s , Schreb. Densely cespitose, bright or dirty
green, glossy ; stems erect, radiculose at the base of the leaves;
leaves erect-spreading, strict, long-lanceolate, subulate-aoumi